March 5, 2014 ^lortlanò (Dbseruer IN S ID E The Week Review This page Sponsored by: Page 3 Fred Meyer What's on your list today?. page 2 JtOUL', ça« O pinion ©n Opportunity Shines pages 7-8 j f a Housing advocate honored at retirement « M ETRO page 9 Home Forward has honored long­ time board member Lee Moore in a big way after his announcement of retirement. A community building at the housing agency’s latest HOPE VI re-development, Stephens Creek Crossing in southwest Portland will be named “The Lee E. Moore Sr. Opportunity Center” in honor of M oore’s advocacy for housing pro­ grams. Moore was instrumental in help­ ing the government agency reach its public involvement, resident Home Forward Executive Director Steve Rudman (left) an­ engagement, and contracting eq- nounces that the Opportunity Center at the Stephens Creek continued on page 15 Crossing housing re-development project will be named in honor of longtime board member Lee Moore (right). Portland State University faculty, students, and community members stage a walkout Thursday to support professors who are poised to strike after 10 months of stalled labor negotiations. Protest Supports PSU Professors C alendar C lassifieds page 16 F ood page 10 page 14 Nearly 1,000 people, made up of faculty, students, community mem­ bers and other campus workers, at­ tended a walkout at Portland State University on Thursday after 10 months of stalled labor negotiations between professors and PSU ad- ministrators. M R vnnnM H i mmmhmmmmmmhnmmh The American Association of University Professors of PSU repre­ sents more than 1,200 faculty and academ ic professionals at the school. The association declared an im­ passe with the administration last week which allows for a potential MMHHMMMMMKMMRHMI strike in the spring term if no agree­ ment is reached. Mediation between the two sides will continue this week. Key bar­ gaining issues are retaining educa­ tor-led higher education, reversing the erosion of faculty stability and equitable pay. HKKHMMMMMM Roosevelt Design Needs Your Help Future and current Roosevelt High School families, neighbors and citizens are encouraged to give their input as the Roosevelt High School modernization project has moved to an exciting stage. Planning efforts are now fo­ cused on schem atic design in which the layout o f educational spaces and com m on areas are envisioned. D on’t miss this op­ portunity to help shape the future school by attending an upcoming Roosevelt Design W orkshop on Saturday, March 15 from 9 a.m. to noon at George Middle School, 10000N. Burr Ave. Early arrivals will be welcomed with a free breakfast. Free childcare and translation in Spanish and So­ mali will also be provided. For more information, visit the website or call 503-916-2222,