Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 29, 2014, Page 10, Image 10

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^ n rtla n ò (Dhsrruer
B U S I N E S S G u id e
F ertile G round F estival -- The
Portland-grow n Fertile G round F es­
tival o f new artistic w orks is underw ay
through Sunday, Feb. 2, offering a m ultiple o f
artistic endeavors from P ortland artists at different
points in developm ent and in a variety o f genres like
theater, m usical theater, dance and m ultidisciplinary
arts. For a full schedule, visit fertileg ro u n d p d x .o rg .
(previously Soup & Soap)
One Taste Will
Bring You Back
3505 N. Mississippi Ave.
Mon-Sun SAM - 7PM
(Winter hours 8:30-5:00)
Breakfast • Lunch
Dinner • Soul Food
Breakfast Special:
Coffee, Biscuits & G ravy $4.75
5 0 3 -2 8 4 - 9 5 8 2
Each Order To Go: 25 cents
Serving P o rtlan d/M etro
area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW)
5 0 3 -9 2 7 - 6 7 0 8
/ ------------------------- -
W Tires
State Farm ®
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24 Hour Good Neighbor S e rviceR
2 locations to Serve You
6841 NE MLK, Portland
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FA X (503) 698-8138
K i m ’s I n t ’ l inc
A ugust W ilson ’s P ittsburgh C ycle; J itn ey - African-
A m erican playw right A ugust W ilso n ’s ‘Pittsburgh
C ycle: Jitn e y ,’ a m asterful, tension-filled p lay about a
group o f independent taxi drivers, is p erfo rm ed by the
local th eater group P ortland Playhouse, now p laying
through Feb. 16 at the W inningstad T heater, d o w n ­
tow n.
C h icago S tep p in ’ C lasses - L earn the fastest grow ing
urban dance at the Billy W ebb Elks Lodge, 6 N. Tillam ook
each Friday at 6:30 p.m . C lasses also at 7 p.m. on the first,
second and third M ondays o f the m onth at the R ockw ood
Com m unity Center, 124N.E. 181st. N o partner is needed.
Y our first tw o lessons are free. F o r m ore inform ation,
call D enise Johnson, 503-819-4576.
S ister M a ry ’s A ngels —
A desperate situation has
tw o identical sisters, one
a lingerie m odel and the
other nun, change habits
in “ S iste r M a ry ’s A n ­
gels,” from local filmmaker
M ary K night, screening
Saturday, Feb. 1 at the
Joy Theatre, 11959 S.W .
Pacific H w y. in T igard.
N orm an S y lv ester—B oogie C at N orm an S ylvester and
his band plays Friday, Jan. 31 at the G em ini B ar & G rill
in L ake O sw ego; Saturday, Feb. 8 at the S pare R oom ;
and Friday, Feb. 14 at H a lib u t’s.
B irth o f F reedom — T he N ational P ark S ervice at Fort
V ancouver N ational H istoric Site p resen ts the new
exhibit: A N ew B irth o f Freedom : V an co u v er B arrack s
D uring the C ivil W ar. T he free ex h ib it ex p lo res the role
o f V an co u v er’s m ilitary post in the 1860s, as w ell as
som e o f the larger them es o f the conflict. R uns through
M arch 30.
C om edy o f C ultural E rr o r s—
A n A m e ric a n b u s in e s s m a n
tries to co m m u n icate w ith a
C h in ese bureaucrat, bu t m uch
gets lost in tran slatio n in th e
B ro a d w ay
h it
com edy
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R£ A L T O ff
7 Idtiiuun TadeSalon
The Best Place to Work in Portland. Or
5010 NE 9th Ave. Unit A
(503) 284-2989
group m eets every Saturday, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at 420
N .E. M ason. For m ore inform ation, call 503-284-0617.
D isco u n t T ick ets — L ocal lo w -in co m e fam ilies and
in d iv id u als can p u rch ase $5 tickets to classical m u si­
cal p erfo rm an ces in P o rtlan d as part o f a unique
p ro g ram called M usic fo r A ll. P articip atin g o rg an iza­
tions in clu d e the O regon S ym phony, P o rtlan d O pera,
O reg o n B allet T h eater, C h am b er M usic N orthw est,
P o rtlan d Y outh P hilh arm o n ic, Portland B aroque O r­
chestra, Friends o f C h am b er M usic, Portland C h am ber
O rchestra, Portland Piano International, Portland S ym ­
p h onic C hoir, C ap p ella R o m an a and Portland V ocal
C o n so rt.
State Farm*
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Michael E Harper
Experienced Stylists Wanted
C hinglish, now playing through
Feb. 9 at Portland C en ter Stage.
T h e Sou lful S h ow case — B lacque B ut­
terfly presents spoken w ord, live m usic and
featured artists on the second and fourth T h ursdays
o f each m onth at 8 p.m . at E ’N joni C afé, A frican-
M editerranean cuisine at 9 1 0 N. K illingsw orth St.
M u rd er M ystery M asterp iece - M ysterious tw ists
and thrilling turns abound w h en a group o f strangers
stranded in a guest house d u ring a snow storm d is­
cover that a m urderer is in their m idst. A gatha C hristie’s
T he M ousetrap is now playing through Feb. 16 at L ake
O sw e g o ’s L akew ood T heatre C om pany.
O pen M ic - Curious C om edy, 5225 N.E. M artin Luther
K ing Jr. B lvd., hosts a free night o f stand-up com edy
every 2nd and 4th Sunday. O pen m ic co m ics get three
m inutes, and audience m em bers get a free sneak peak
at P o rtla n d ’s up and co m in g talent. S ignups start at
8:30 p.m . Show starts at 9 p.m .
L ive J a zz — E very Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m . to
11 p.m ., the T h ird D egrees L ounge at the R iv er Place
H otel, 1510S .W . H arbor W ay. N o co v er o r m inim um
purchase. F o r m ore inform ation, v isitp d x ja zz .c o m .
M u sic M illen n iu m F ree S h ow s - T he M usic M illen ­
nium , 3158 E. B urnside, h o sts in-house live p erfo r­
m ances. E njoy free m usic and the opp o rtu n ity to m eet
artists. C all 503-231 -8926 fo r a schedule.
H u m o r N igh t — A w esom e co m ed ian s p erform stan d ­
up, sketch, and m ore at the w eekly R ecurring H um or
N ig h t every W ed n esd ay night at Tonic L ounge. 3100
N .E. Sandy B lvd. Pay as you w ish, $3-5 donation
suggested. Show is 21+.
F ou rth Su n d ay J a m N igh t — A friends and fam ily
variety co m ed y show in a Saturday N ight L ive form at
w ith local reco rd in g and p erfo rm in g artists, bands,
d an ce crew s, poets, and d ram a groups, takes place
each F o u rth Sunday at 7 p.m . at C elebration T ab er­
nacle, 8131 N. D en v er A ve. T h e free ev en t is open to
the com m unity.
A friq u e B istro B en efit - A friq u e B istro, 102 N .E.
R ussell St., opens its doors each last Saturday o f the
m o n th to raise d onations f o r ‘the A frican W o m en ’s
C oalition. G reat C aribbean and A frican m usic along
w ith good drinks and fun people, 9 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. $ 10
at the door.
O regon B lack H istory — The B lack M useum o f O regon
Johnny Huff
W e m oved to
o ur new location:
9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR
5 0 3 -2 2 1 -3 0 5 0
F ax 503-227-8757
.oo TEES
Scrapping Metal
& Landscape Maintenance
Home: (503) 284-0192
Cell: (503)839-9461
5 0 3 -7 6 2 -6 0 4 2
9 7 1 -5 7 0 -8 2 1 4