Stories Rarely Told Black women in non-traditional jobs take center stage QR code for Portland Observer Online O See Arts & Entertainment, page 12 4 / v Connecting w ith‘Her’ Joaquin Phoenix navigates technology in search for Love See Metro, page 9 ^Mortlanh (Observer 44 VolumeXLIV 'City o/Roses’ Number5 fc 1 ■■ UJ Wednesday • lanuary 29. 20M Established Established in in 1970 1970 Committed to to Cultural Diversity Committed Cultural Diversity Of community service Mother of George is a story about a woman willing to do anything and risk everything for her marriage. The film will be screened on Feb. 6 at the 24th annual Cascade Festival of African Films sponsored by Portland Community College. Opening night of the festival is Friday, Jan. 31 at the Hollywood Theater with the other films through March 1 on the PCC Cascade campus in north Portland. Throughthe Eyes Africans Festival of African Films to entertain and inform Portland Com m unity College's 24th Cascade Festi­ val o f African Film s is set to bring 19 film s and two A frican directors to Portland in February. The longest-running annual African film festival in the United States is set to entertain and inform from Saturday, Jan. 31 through M arch 1. The festival, which is free and open to the public, shows films ranging from full-length features to docum entaries and short films. M ore than 5,000 people attend the festival annually. Each night's screening is follow ed by a discussion led by individuals with expert know ledge o f the region shown in that evening's film. "The films celebrate Africa's achievem ents, expose Africa's failures, and reveal the possibilities for change and a m ore hopeful future," said T ara Foster, film festival coordinator. "They show us pictures o f Africa through the eyes o f A fricans, rather than a vision of Africa that is packaged primarily for western view ers." All films will be shown in the M oriarty Arts and H um anities Building Auditorium , Cascade Cam pus, 705 N. Killingsworth St., with opening night festivities on Friday, Jan. 31 to be held at the Hollywood Theatre, 4122N .E . Sandy Blvd. Feature films are on Friday and Saturday evenings (most features are also screened on Thursday after- continucd on page 5