Page 2 January 22, 2014 Black History and Hip Hop Culture Help Shape Your Future! by D onovan M. S mith T he P ortland O bserver Scholar Khalidel-Hakim brought his Black History 101 Mobile Mu­ seum to Jefferson High School Thursday to help shine a light on how black history plays into the lyrics and images of hip-hop cul­ ture. The museum features artifacts from the past, ranging from actual chains once used to enslave people, hoods worn by Ku Klux Kian mem­ bers, to more uplifting images from black-owned publications like Jet and Ebony magazines. One student was heard saying he got “chills” while taking in some of the racist images. El-Hakim says that sentiment is a familiar reaction for students who haven’t been exposed to some of the more raw artifacts from the past. “There were some uncomfortable parts of American history they were confronted with,” he says. While a black history museum alone won’t end white supremacy and racism in the United States of America, el-Hakim says it’s impor­ tant in terms of raising and maintain­ T urner School of C onstruction M anagem ent F o r over 40 y e a rs T u rn e r h a s offered th is p ro g ra m n a tio n ally a t no co st to m inority-ow ned, w om en-ow ned, d isa d v a n ta g e d a n d e m e rg u ig sm all b u sin e sse s n i the c o n stru c tio n in d u s try In d iv id u als enrolled in th e p ro g ra m g a in in s ig h ts a n d m ea n in g fu l tools th a t help them ta r g e t th e ir b u sin e ss for q u a lity an d g ro w th w hile developing new s tra te g ic b u sin e ss rela tio n sh ip s. Now Accepting Applications for the Spring 2014 Session* Please c o n ta c t Stacey D rake E d w ard s, (503) 552-040G o r sdedwardsCn tcco com for a n a p p licatio n R e g istr a tio n D ead lin e is Jan u ary 29, 2014 Bakery Violates Rights __X__ JfcMfi&fS photo by D onovan M. S mith /T he P ortland O bserver Jefferson High students take in scholar Khalid el-Hakim ’s Black History 101 Mobile Museum. El-Hakim brought the museum to Portland Thursday as part o f his nationwide effort to educate students, educators, and parents alike about the depth of African-American history and how it plays into the lyrics and images in hip-hop music. ing awareness for a more just soci­ tion they are in,” he says. “I want ety. them to be empowered to make those “I think it’s very important for changes and understand we can’t African-American students espe­ wait around for someone else to make cially to realize that they have to be those changes we have to make those responsible for changing the condi­ changes ourselves.” The Weekin Review Under the Oregon Equality Act of 2007, a Gresham bakery did violate the law last year when they refused service to a same-sex couple, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries ruled Friday after an investiga­ tion. Sweet Cakes by Melissa cannot discriminate based on sexual orientation, just as they cannot legally deny service based on race, sex, age, disability or religion, officials said. Novick on Crossing Guard PRESENTING SPONSORS r O re g o n Department of Transportation SPONSORS MULTNOMAH COUNTY SUPPORTER P o rt of P o rtlan d M e tro Established i9 7 0 USPS 959-680 ________________________________ 47 47 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 E d it o r : Listeria Infected Cheese Oregon health and agriculture officials issued a warn­ ing Monday after a particular cheese from Mexico was found to be tainted with Listeria. The cheese was jJnrtlanî» (Observer P u b l is h e r : City Commissioner Steve Novick opened the school day at Prescott Elementary Monday serving as a crossing guard, helping students and parents traverse new city side­ walks connecting two schools and a park. The new pavement improves safety and public access along 11 blocks from Northeast Prescott from 105th to 116th Avenues. Mark Washington, Sr. M ich a el L eig h to n E xecutive D irector : Rakeem Washington C reative D irector : P aul N e u fe ld t O ffice M anager /C iassifieds : A dvertising M anager : Lucinda Baldwin Obama Speaks on Marijuana In an interview with the New Yorker, President Obama spoke on his past drug use, saying marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol and called marijuana legalization in Colo­ rado and Washington “important.” $1 Billion Tournament Prize Quicken Loans in partnership with Berkshire Hathaway announced Tuesday that it is offering a $ 1 billion prize to any qualified entrant who correctly predicts the winner of every game in the 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament. Submissions are limited to one per house­ hold. Rememberingthe Professor The actor who played the professor on Gilligan’s Island, Russell Johnson died Thursday at 89. His agent, says he died at hi« home in Washington state of natural causes. J 503-288” (X)33"] Subscribe The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submis­ sions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and can­ not be used in other publications or personal usage with­ out the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of such ad. © 2008 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED The Portland Observer-Oregon’s Oldest Multicultural Publication-is a member of the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Ad­ vertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers. 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