$ I? e January 22, 2014 Fortiani» (Observer Page 11 A F R IC A N -A M E R IC A N C H A M B ER OF. C O M M E R C E Portland Observer is a proud member of the AACC SUNDAY • MONDAY TUESDAY Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Born in 1929 (Observed National Hugging Day First flight of the Supersonic Concorde (1976) Third Monday in January) 26 Australia Day (first settled, 1788) THURSDAY 21 M Artist Paul Cezanne born, 1839 Popcorn Day WEDNESDAY 27 Lewis Carroll National Geographic Society Founded (1888) Julius Lester bom, 1939 FRIDAY SATURDAY Eskimo Pie Patented by Christian Nelson in 1922. Gold Discovered in California At Sutter's Mill in 1848 Opposite Day First Winter Olympics held, 1924 3 Brian Wildsmith bom, 1930 National Blonde Brownie Day Measure Your Feet Day National Handwriting Day National Pie Day 28 29 30 Jackson Pollock bom, 1912( Artist) National Kazoo Day Baseball Hall of Fame established (1936) National Puzzle Day Franklin D. Roosevelt bom, 1882 (23rd President) 31 Backwards Day Jackie Robinson bom, 1919 (Baseball Great) WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE TWO HOMES? HINT: IT HAS TO DO WITH SAVING ENERGY AND MONEY. Though two homes may look alike, energy efficiency upgrades can make a big difference in terms of maximizing comfort while reducing energy useand cost Energy Trust of Oregon can helpyou find a trade ally contractor.and provide cash incentives that help offset the cost of qualifying energy improvements With upgrades to your insulation, water heater, appliances and lighting you could save up to 15 percent on your home energy costs while Start saving on energy costs today Call us at not having to scale back on comfort And a house that costs less to operate is worth more 1.866.368.7878 or visit www.energytrust.org/residential Serving customers of Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, NW Natural and Cascade Natural Gas. EnergyTrust of Oregon ---Mb---■». ,. I.