December 18, 2013 glorila nò (ftbsmitr Page 7 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views of the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to Disrespect for Our Constitutional Rights The assault on the freedom to report by J im H ightower In the standard spy thriller, our hero gets captured by agents of a repressive government. They take him into a dark interrogation room, where the sadistic spymaster hisses: “We have ways of making you talk.” In real life, the director of our National Security Agency hisses at journalists: “We have ways of keeping you from talking.” Well, not quite in those words. Gen. it... It’s wrong to allow this to go on.” Russia — and it amounts to stomping on Keith Alexander, the NSA’s chief spook Holy Thomas Paine. Alexander says he our Fourth Amendment guarantee that and head of U.S. Cyber Command, has thinks it’s OK for the government to spy we’re to be free of “unreasonable searches revealed his chilling disrespect for our on us. But he wants to deny the media the and seizures.” constitutional rights to both free speech freedom to report on Big Brother’s sur­ That’s the real outrage we should be and a free press. veillance. stopping. But our constitutionally clueless In an interview, he called for outlawing What country does this autocrat repre­ spymaster is doubling down on his dan­ any reporting on his agency’s secret pro­ sent? Alexander’s secret, indiscriminate, gerous ignorance by also stomping on the gram of spying on every American: “I supercomputer scooping-up of data on First Amendment. think it’s wrong that newspaper reporters every phone call, email, and other private If this were a movie, people would have all these documents... giving them business of every American is what laugh at it as being too silly, too far­ out as if these — you know it just doesn’t “doesn’t make any sense.” fetched to believe. But there it is, horribly make any sense,” he told Politico’s Josh It’s an Orwellian, mass invasion of real. Gerstein. everyone’s privacy, creating the kind of OtherWords columnist Jim Hightower Then came his spooky punch line: “We routine, 24/7 surveillance state our gov­ is a radio commentator, writer and public ought to come up with a way of stopping ernment loudly deplores in China and speaker. Established 1970 P u blisher : E d ito r : Mark Washington, Sr. M ich a el L eig h to n E xecutive D irector : Rakeem Washington C reative D irector : P aul N e u feld t O ffice M anager /C lassifieds : Lucinda USPS 959-680 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of such ad © 2008 THE PORT­ LAND OBSERVER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED TTte Portland Observcr-Oregon’s Oldest Multicultural Publication-is a member o f the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers. Inc. New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association Baldwin A dvertising M anager : Leonard Latin R eporter /P hotographer Donovan M. Smith CALL 503-288-0033 FAX 503-288-0015 ads@portlandebsfn’fr,com subscript, PosTMAsta: Send address changes to Portland Observer, PO Box 3137, Portland, 0R97208