Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 11, 2013, Page 4, Image 4

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December II, 2013
‘Motown Revue’
Holiday Benefit
Hitzville’ show in Portland Saturday
Two Las Vegas shows will bring vention Center, Saturday, Dec. 14
out the Christm as spirit in Port­ at 7 p.m.
land Saturday as Project Clean
Project Clean Slate is an award
Slate benefits from a Roy Jay holi­ winning community non-profit or­
day fundraiser expected to attract ganization which helps people make
over700 people to the Oregon Con­ restitution and get past civil and
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,OL Pr° lect Clean Slate wiu br'n9 the Las Vegas show Hitzville, The Motown
Revue to Portland on Saturday, Dec. 14 at 7 p.m. at the Oregon Convention Center.
criminal judgments that can hinder their employment. The program
was founded by Jay, a Portland African American leader and
business entrepreneur, and has received support, recognition and
praise from government and private sector officials.
Saturday’s black tie optional event prom ­
ises to be one o f the highlights o f the holiday
season. H eadlining the night is H itzville, The
M otown Revue which has received rave re­
views from Las Vegas audiences. In addition,
the opening act will be Heidi Thom pson as Cher.
The event of the season is co-sponsored by various busi­
nesses and agencies throughout the city including W ells Fargo
Bank, M otorola Solutions, Portland Police, Roy Jay E nter­
prises, Em erett International, City o f Portland and others.
The evening will include a full course dinner catered by
Aram ark/Giacom etti Partners. For tickets, call 503-231-2571 or
visit tickettom ato.com .
An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession.
PART 11. EXERCISE: Does it help low back
problem s, or only m ake them worse?
: A friend of mine showed me
a senes of exercises designed to
help her low back problems. Is
nght for me to use them, too?
It would
wou^ be
he enlighten-
2 Vto
ito know the number n o f people
with qualified back problems (fixation
on the spinal joints) who are told they
only need to exercise. They are given
a brief exam and a sheet o f stretching
exercises to follow. They are led to
believe nothing else need to be done.
This is only incomplete therapy, it is
also therapy that could easily lead to
A •
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
very disastrous side effects. When we
lem in the first place. Then and only
exercise and stretch muscles without re­
then can the spine be correctly
it all moving the cause of the spasms, it actu-
stretched and strengthened without
ally forces the body to degenerate faster.
traumatizing muscles and nerves. For
You are better off to have done no exer- a safe, gentle accurate assessment of
cising at all. In Chiropractic, we know the
your spinal situation or for answers to
exercise is an important part of health, but any questions you might have about
only after Chiropractic care has removed your health please call our office.
the spinal fixations that caused the prob-
w e « ' Chiropractic Offl
2124 N E Hancock, Portland Oregon97212
Phone: (5 0 3 ) 207*5504