Page 12 ¡Portiani» (Obstruer D ecem ber II, 2013 Community Day at History Museum On Saturday, Dec. 14, the Oregon History Museum cel­ ebrates Community Day with free admission from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with special activities from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Visitors are invited to view the current exhibit "Folding Pa­ per: The Infinite Possibilities of Origami" a groundbreaking ex­ hibition that explores the evolu­ tion of origami from craft to fine art, and its stunning modern-day applications in the fields of math­ ematics, engineering, design, and the global peace movement. Over 140 works by 45 master folders from 16 countries show­ case the power and potential of contemporary origami. Y ou can also get into the spirit of the holiday season with a special performance by Blue­ print Ensemble Arts and The­ atre Initiative, who will be sing­ ing carols from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30p.m. The Oregon History Museum is located in the Oregon Histori- S° Ut.h ,P^ exhibit ° n f f Z evolulion °< ori9ami from craft to fine art is one of the many attractions to see 7 f eocu ™ s e e l h e e x h i m ^^ Bethel AME Church Family Christmas Worship Sunday, December 22,2013; 11:00 AM Dynamic Worship! Inspirational Singing! Powerful Preaching! Fellowship! Free Gift Bags! 5828 NE 8th Avenue, Portland, OR 97211 503 288 5429 (Office) 503 288 4984 (Fax) (Email) (Website) (Ministry Site) Rev. Arthur B. Carter, Jr.; Pastor Upholstery Cleaning • Sofa/Loveseat • Pet Stains • Flood Restorations (MHratUtMClffUMB www ■ 5 0 3 -7 0 5 -2 5 8 7 * ¡2 Rooms + Hall "j ¡Extra J I rooms $10 | each with I Lc^ f° ± _______________ i """ ■ ■ ■ _ 10 Years o f References Available (Compiete House J Licensed • Bonded • Insured 1 $0095 1 I (lOOOsqfeet Dmderirrr j .with coupon. ' 1--------------------------------------------- 1 I Up to WithFree Carpet Cleaning Spot/Stain Removal • 24 Hour Flood Service Upholstery Cleaning • Area Rug Cleaning rr,. A . ® ® 6 Ury I ime 2-4 Hours • Free Estimates • Available Weekends Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai Forest Whitaker removes the warrior from feudal Japan and places him in modern-day Jersey City in Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai. The tale of a lone, pigeon-keeping hitman is presented as part of the Northwest Film Center’s Samurai Cinema series and shows Friday, Dec. 20 at 7p.m. at Whitsell Auditorium in the Portland Art Museum. Tickets are $9.