December II, 2013 ^jJortlanh (Observer Page II zll’ts X lM III IMIIIAINHIM Premier Gospel Christmas Concerts The Northwest Community G ospel Choir features the very b e st o f the local gospel talent from local and regional churches and m usic ministries. from local and regional churches and music ministries. Conductor, pianist and com ­ poser C harles Floyd has been heard in concert with m ore than 500 orchestras since 1991 - including every Oregon Sym ­ phony G ospel C hristm as con­ cert since our annual perfor­ m ances began in 1999. He is a regular conductor of the Bos­ ton Pops. The program will include “Re­ joice and Be Glad,” “O Come All Ye Faithful,” “Do You Hear W hat I H ear?” “A ngels We Have Heard on High” and many more high-spirited Gospel favor­ ites. Tickets begin at $25 at the O regon Sym phony Ticket O f­ fice, 923 S. W. W ashington St., dow ntow n. Tickets may also be purchased by phone at 503- 2 2 8 -1 3 5 3 o r o n lin e at O rSym Gospel Christmas celebrates 15 at the Arlene Schnitzer Con- choir, accompanied by the Or- 15 seasons of its signature up- cert Hall. egon Symphony, tempo holiday music with three The shows feature uplifting The Northwest Community concerts, Friday, Dec. 13, Sat- inspirational music performed by Gospel Choir features the very urday, Dec. 14 and Sunday Dec. the Northwest’s premier gospel best of the local gospel talent ___________ ‘ ■' - - * <• s - « , ■ ,5. r Family Christmas Tree Harvest Holiday traditions define fam­ ily memories, and the Gifford Pinchot National Forest can help provide experiences and memo­ ries to last a lifetime. Everybody is invited Saturday, Dec. 14, to meet at Forest Head­ quarters, 10600 N.E. 51st Circle in Vancouver, at 8 a.m. to pur­ chase tags and follow forest per­ sonnel to a special place near Carson, Wash, to harvest a Christ­ mas tree. “This is a tradition offered by forest employees now for many years,” said Forest Supervisor, J lu r ila it ii (O bserver Established 1970 USPS 959-680 _________________ 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 P u b l is h e r : E d it o r : M a rk W ashington M ic h a e l L e ig h to n E xecutive D irector : R a keem W ashington C reative D irector : P a u l N e u fe ld t O ffice M anager /C lassifieds : A dvertising M anager : L ucinda B aldw in L eo n a rd Latin R eporter /P hotographer D onovan M. Sm ith P ostmaster : S en d address changes to Portland O bserver, PO Box 31.37, Portland, OR 97208 CALL 503-288-0033 FAX 503-288-0015 Janine Clayton. “It’s one of those things we can do to contribute a little something to family traditions and the strong memories created.” Families must have their own transportation and purchase a Christm as tree permit before heading out. The Portland Observer welcomes freelance sub­ missions. M anuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and w ill be returned i f accom­ panied by a se lf addressed envelope. A ll cre­ ated design display ads become the sole prop­ erty o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications o r personal usage w ithout the w ritte n consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the com posi­ tion o f such ad. © 2008 T H E P O R T LA N D O B ­ SERVER. A L L RIG HTS RESERVED, REPRO­ D U C T IO N IN W H O L E OR IN PART W IT H ­ O U T P E R M IS S IO N IS P R O H IB IT E D . The P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r--O re g o n ’ s O ld e s t M u lticu ltu ra l Publication—is a member o f the National Newspaper A ssociation-F ounded in 1885, and The National A dvertising Represen­ tative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY. and The West Coast Black Publishers As­ sociatio n Showdogs is a full service salon. We do baths, all over hair cuts, tooth brushing, nail trims, soft claws, flea treatments, mud baths, and ear cleaning. We also have health care and grooming products to keep your pet clean in between visits. Show Dogs Grooming Salon & Boutique 926 N. Lombard Portland, OR 97217 503-283-1177 Thesday-Saturday 9am-7pm Monday 10am-4pm Yo dawg is gonna look like a show dawg and your kitty will be pretty.