Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 04, 2013, Page 4, Image 4

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    Blazers on Tear; Beat Pacers
Team takes off
on best start since
1998-99 season
(A P) — A fter P ortland had w ithstood
a late barrage from the Indiana P acers
and Paul G eorge, the Trail B lazers g a th ­
ered at m idcourt and raised their hands
It m ight be early in the season, but this
w as a statem ent w in for the B lazers.
L aM arcus A ldridge had 28 points and
10 rebounds and P ortland dow ned Indi­
ana 106-102 M onday night in the R ose
Q u a rte r’s M oda C enter, snapping the
P a c e rs' se v e n -g a m e w in n in g stre a k .
D am ian L illard added 26.
"It w as a tough one, and w e knew it
w as g oing to be a tough one going in,"
L illard said. "T hey're a good team , they
only had one loss. But w e're a good team
too, and w e w anted to prove that."
Paul G eorge had a career-high 43 points
for P acers (16-2), w ho ow n the N B A 's
best record.
T h e B la z e rs p u lle d in fro n t e a rly in
the fo u rth q u a rte r, b u t the P a c ers k e p t Trail Blazer guard Damian Lillard drives on Indiana P acers guard George
it c lo se a n d G e o rg e hit c o n se c u tiv e 3- during the first h a lf o f M onday’s NBA g a m e in Portland. (AP P hoto/D on
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ad s (3>port la n d o b s e r ver. co m
p o in te rs th at n a rro w e d it to 9 8 -9 6 w ith
1:37 left. L illa rd a n s w e re d w ith a 3-
p o in te r an d N ic o la s B a tu m m ad e a p a ir
o f fre e th ro w s fo r th e B la z e rs b e fo re
G e o rg e h it a n o th e r 3 -p o in te r th a t g o t
In d ia n a w ith in 1 0 3 -9 9 w ith 21 se c o n d s
to go.
L illard hit free throw s and G eorge m ade
yet an o th er 3 w ith 10 seco n d s left to m ake
it 105-102, but the P acers co u ld n 't get
closer. P o rtlan d (15-3) is o ff to its best
start since the 1998-99 season.
"I really w an ted to get this w in," said
G eo rg e, one o f ju s t fo u r In d ian a p lay ers to
score 43 o r m ore points in a g am e since
2000. "I w as try in g to w ill us into the
gam e."
B oth team s w ere p lay in g the seco n d o f
a b a ck -to -b ac k . T he B lazers b eat the
sh o rt-h an d ed L os A n g eles L ak ers 114-
108, snap p in g a sev en -g am e losing streak
to the L ak ers at the S tap les C enter.
T he P acers (16-2) w ere co m in g o ff a
105-100 v ictory o v er the L os A n g eles
C lip p ers on S u n d ay to open a fiv e-g am e
ro ad trip.
It w as A ld rid g e's 14th g am e this sea­
son w ith 2 0 o r m ore points. T he tw o-tim e
A ll-S tar has eig h t d o u b le-d o u b les this
se aso n .
Stotts Coach of the Month
Portland Trail Blazers Head team ’s four-game sweep of a road bounds (eighth) and 23.1 assists
Coach Terry Stotts was named the trip from Nov. 15-20 marked the first (ninth) per game.
NBA Western Conference Coach 4-0 trip since January 2003.
Stotts becomes the sixth coach in
of the Month for November, it was
At 15-3, Portland currently sits team history to take home the honor,
announced Monday by the NBA. atop the Northwest Division. The joining Jack Ramsay, Mike Schuler,
The Trail Blazers’ 13 wins in the Trail Blazers are averaging 104.6 Rick Adelman (3), Mike Dunleavy (2)
month tied a franchise best, and the points (fifth in the NBA), 44.9 re­ and Nate McMillan (3).
An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession.
Part 10. Fatigue: A cure for people sick
and tired of being of being sick and tired.
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
: I seem to be tired a lot lately.
Does that mean I need iron?
: The most com m on reason
patients come into our office is
because of some type of pain. But
many of these people are also suffer­
ing from fatigue. Fatigue that makes
the eyes bum slows down the healing
process and makes you wonder why
you don’t feel as well as you used to.
Obviously, there can be many causes
of fatigue. Diet is certainly one of them.
It’s a subject w e’d be happy to discuss
with you in detail. Another cause, how­ Patients com e back well-rested, tell­
ever is often stress. Many of you have ing us they ju st had their best n ight’s
probably heard of the “Fight Or Flight” sleep in ages. If you think the stress
syndrome. When the body is stressed, it o f everyday life m ight be w earing
responds with a combat-ready posture. you down and preventing your body
In analyzing many such patients’ x-rays, from w arding o ff illnesses, call us
we find the head angled forward and the for an appointm ent. O r if there are
back arched in this highly-stressed posi­ any other questions you m ight have
tion. After Chiropractic adjustment, this about your health, ju st call us at the
condition is often vastly im proved. phone num ber below.
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124NEHancock,PortlandOregon97212 • P h o n e : ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 - 5 5 0 4