‘El'f Jarliani» (Observer Page 2 "Y o u r B u d g e t is o u r m is s io n " BUDGET INSURANCE E N T E R P R IS E S . L L C December 4, 2013 The Week Review the third officer-involved shooting in two years for the small community east of Portland. Police said they did not know why the Fairview officer was forced to use deadly force. AUTO HOME D AN N Y CHAN D U R A N B E A S LE Y At Budget we work with many insurance companies to find the best fit for your needs and to fit your Budget. Call today for a free quote! LIFE ‘ BUSINESS HEALTH Drake Hip Hop Gear in 1-5 Wreck 503 515 4377 Fax 503 610 7011 Office 503 254 7188 1710 NE 82nd Ave Portland, OR 97220 . Independent agents serving Oregon & Washington A truck carrying gear for a hip-hop performance at the Moda Center by rapper Drake crashed on 1-5 south­ bound near the Fremont Bridge Tuesday morning, landing its driver in the hospital and causing a major delay in the morning commute. Saturday Market Ban Under Review A ban that prevented an 11-year-old girl from selling mistletoe at Portland Saturday Market but allowed for begging, pan-handling, singing, and protesting will be reviewed, Portland Mayor Charlie Hales said Tues­ day. A spokesman for Hales said he plans to contact Saturday Market staff to better understand what happened and whether procedures could be tweaked to allow kids to sell. Coach of the Year ... to the health care you know and trust. Adventist Health CareOregon Kaiser Permanente Legacy Health Oregon Health & Science University Providence Health & Services Tuality Healthcare Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties ... and a network of over 17,000 providers Portland's Caleb Porter has been selected M a­ jo r L eague S o c c er’s Coach o f the Year. Por­ ter, in first season with a professional club after leaving the University of Akron, led the Tim ­ bers to a Western Conference-best 14-5-15 record. That's a 23-point improvement from 2012. Third Police Shooting in Fairview A man was taken to the hospital after an officer- involved shooting in Fairview on Tuesday morning, children, families and individuals on the Oregon Health Plan throughout the Portland Tri-County area. O bw nwr 503-416-8090 Established 1970 47 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 P u b l is h e r : E d it o r : Mark Washington M ich a el L eig h to n Rakeem Washington P aul N e u feld t O ffice M anager /C lassifieds : A dvertising M anager : health Lucinda Baldwin Leonard Latin R eporter /P hotographer Donovan M. Smith The Portland Observer welcomes freelance sub­ missions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accom­ panied by a self addressed envelope. All cre­ ated design display ads become the sole prop­ erty o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composi­ tion o f such ad. © 2008 THE PORTLAND OB­ SERVER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRO­ DUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITH­ OUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. The P o rtlan d O b s e rv e r--O re g o n 's O ldest Multicultural Publication—is a member of the National Newspaper Association—Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Represen­ tative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers As­ sociation P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, w w w .h ealth sh areo reg o n .o rg PO Box3 1 3 7 , Portland, OR9 7 2 0 8 G fc Portland Police have arrested 3 3-year- old James Ezell Clark on charges of kidnapping, unlawful penetration, sex abuse, unauthorized use of a vehicle, strangulation and failure to register as a sex offender in connection with a Sept. 18 attack against a 19-year-old female who said she was sleep­ ing in a friend’s car when she awoke to a stranger assaulting her. ______________________________________ C reative D irector : r Sexual Assault Arrest Made Innovative Housing is celebrating the grand opening o f 50 new apartment homes at the M agno­ lia, a new complex named to honor Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King’s birthplace at 3250 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Developed by Innovative Housing to create affordable housing options in a neighbor­ hood that is rapidly becoming unaffordable, rents range from $499 to $625 per month for a one bedroom. E xecutive D irector : Together we are Investigators looking into a deadly train derailment near New York City said Tuesday that no problems had been found with the train's brake system or track signals along its route and that its engineer was being questioned again. The commuter train was traveling Sunday at 82 mph as it approached a 30 mph zone and jum ped the tracks along a sharp curve. Four passen­ gers died. Honoring Dr. 1 King’s Birthplace USPS 9 5 9 -6 8 0 Together, we are delivering integrated health care for Deadly Train Crash Probe in New York Health Share of Oregon C A L L 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 F A X 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 nens@porllandobserver.com ads@portlandobserver.com subscription@portlandobserver.com