Page 14 Fortiani» (Observer December 4, 2013 whimsical trumpet/hom duet; it's the best soundtrack I've heard in awhile and conveys deeply the film's spirit o f reverie. And Payne knows an old sweetheart of Woody s, and the importance of casting a movie learns of a possible affair, and of with people you really believe; the Woody s service in the Korean War. townspeople, including an old girl- Did his dad ever love his mom? Did friend of Woody's and Stacy Reach they plan to have kids? Woody's as his menacing former business answers to such questions don't partner, utterly convince SNLalum vary much from "I don't know" and Will Forte as David deserves spe­ "it doesn't matter." But there are cial mention, too; his resolution and glimmers of aspiration and pursuit muted exasperation balanced by o f which David had not suspected sincerity and watchfulness give us his father was capable. the perfect vantage point for taking One of the most poignant scenes the film's soulful journey, involves a visit the four of them take This film deserves the critical to the house where Woody grew acclaim it has received, but much of « — ........................ . ..................*_________ _________________ ' P ° i S n a n t S C e n e S iflV 0 lv e S a C lassifieds /B ids Soulful Journey c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 9 ■i to be a millionaire, "should have I thought about that years ago and I worked for His son David at- I tempts, more it." gently, to reason with I him, but Woody is having none of I lt. "I don't care what you people Ann: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 I think," he tells David. "I'm runnin’ $45.00 for 3 months • $80.00 for 6 mo. • $125.00 for 1 year I out of time." (please include check with this subscription form) I Dem won, and earned, the best I actor prize at the Cannes Film Festi- N ame : ________________ _____________ __ I val for his performance, and he per- I fectly captures the sense of a man T elephone : who hasn't bothered to pursue much I A ddress : - _________________ “ "fumbVs i X i a p X ' I ^ ---------------------------- ------------------------ I near the end of his life. Though h i s . vlslt the four o f them take to the house where or email I S 1 1 H S ie r i h p f 503-288-0033 □ u U d t l l D C ’ Fill Out & Send To: JInrtlanò (Dbsertter Woody grew up. He doesn't see the point in We learn that (though not right but Its effect OH him , a n d OH David, is away) because D avid-apparently evident, if appropriately understated. hearing his fathers cantankerous , query, "w hat else you got goin' Grunted remarks from Woody convey volumes •'d:?de,s? e can ?ke th,e ,ime about old . . wounds, and director Payne knows to drive the old man to Lincoln. It's . y the first step in a journey of fighting w/zen to linger on empty spaces that still show ^ ‘o t e X T o « X t the discards ° f ' he l*e they once contained- choice of aimsus misdirected, there © PORT OF PORTLAND Possibility. In every direction? CAREER OPPORTUNITIES The Port of Portland is a regional gov­ ernment entity operating airports, marine term inals and industrial Portland Public Schools parks in the greater Portland met­ Portland Public Schools is currently ropolitan area. Our mission is to recruiting for the following position: enhance the region’s econom y Anditleftm ewonderingwhatwould • Maintenance - Laborer (Journey­ and quality of life by providing effi­ happen if more of us found the will cient cargo and air passenger ac­ m a n )-1.0 R E to do the same for our elders. cess to national and global mar­ The journey takes them to the To learn more about this opportu­ kets. c e n tra 1 N eb rask a tow n w here nity and apply for the position Woody grew up, and soon Kate please visit our website at http:// To view current job openings and (the hilarious and hard-bitten June w w w .p p s .k l2 .o r .u s / d e p a r t - to apply for open positions visit P o rt’s w e b s ite at Squibb) and David's brother Ross m ents/hr/3340.htm and com ­ th e (perfectly cast Bob Odenkirk) join plete the online “classified” appli­ them for a reunion o f sorts with cation. The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO relatives and acquaintances who Should you have any questions employer committed to workforce none ofthem have seen since David w assm all.N eithertheplacenorthe about the position or need help diversity and affirmative action. people look like they've evolved completing the online application Advertise with diversity in much in the 30 years since they left, please contact the Human Re­ and David stays attentive for clues sources office at (503) 916-3544. 1 iidandObseiver about his dad that would otherwise Portland Public Schools is an affir­ never rise to the surface. He meets Call 503-288-0033 mative action and equal opportu­ nity employer. ad\(s>portlandob up. He doesn’t see the point in going, but its effect on him, and on David, is evident, if appropriately understated. Grunted remarks from Woody convey volumes about old wounds, and director Payne knows when to linger on empty spaces that still show the discards of the life they once contained. That family trip -fu ll of sarcastic remarks from Kate and a misguided attempt by the brothers to right an old wrong for their dad-conveys a lived-in sense o f them as a family, too. This film benefits from Mark Orton’s melancholy soundtrack, fea- hiring guitars, fiddle, accordion, harm onica, and a haunting and T erry F amily Legal Notices F uneral H ome what has been written about it at- tributes to the film a cynicism I did not perceive. Real people do lose momentum, or neglect to aspire to as much as they might. They can be comically, or tragically, spiteful and slow to change. But the truth of most ofthem is worth searching for. A nd th is j o u r n e y - b l e a k but strangely hopeful-is worth taking Darleen Ortega is a judge on the Oregon Court o f Appeals and the first woman o f color to serve in that capacity. H er movie review column Opinionated Judge appears regu- larly in The Portland Observer. You can f i n d h e r m o vie blog a t . 2337 N. W illiams Ave. Portland, O r 97227 503-249-1788 W e m ake the service personal, You m ake the trib u te personal. Every time we arran g e a personalized funeral service, we take special pride going the extra mile. W ith o u r online M em orial O bituary, now we can do even more. Friends and family can find out service inform ation, view photos, read obituary, o rd er flowers an d leave personal messages of condolences from anyw here, anytime. S im ply go to o u r w ebsite. w w w .terryfam ilyfuneralhom "Dedicated to providing excellent service and superior care o f your loved o n e ” Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! Dwight A. Terry Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: Oregon License CO-3644 The Portland Observer Oregon License FS-0395 Amy S. Terry