Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 04, 2013, Page 11, Image 11

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    ^îortlanô (Obstruer
D ecem ber 4, 2013
Page 11
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Little Thingsat Guardino’s
T he holidays m ark the 13th year o f
G u ard in o ’ s G allery ’ s ever-popular Little
T hings Show . D onna G u ard in o says the
D ecem ber event is now a tradition w ith
it hard to rem em b er a holiday season at
the gallery w ithout it.
T he concept w as easy: A rtists w ere
given the assig n m en t o f creating “ little”
artw ork. N o restrictions, as long it w as 7
inches by 7 inches o r under (including
fram e and stan d s). A w ide variety o f
m edium s w ill be rep resen ted this year,
including paintings, clay, fused glass,
encaustic, m etal, w ood, p hotography,
fiber art and m ixed m edia.
G u ard in o G allery is located at 2939
N .E. A lb erta St.
Christopher B. Wagner’s carved and painted wood,
0/7 on canvas by Paul X. Rutz.
JFK Exhibit at the Oregon History Museum
trace events
before and after
L-irgc'« Daily
Circulai i»m
In Texas
®l|f Railas iillornittô
V<ju'ï:5~AXÏ. Î3 '
J l k May Drop
JiihnMM) in *(>t
DA U.A i». TEXAS. n U P A X NOVEiWJrJ'. » , IMA- Ì 4 M C t » IN ! SR C TïiïW i
Storm of Political Controversy
Swirls Around Kennedy on Visit
Live Held
Brare- for
Tlinu-andi .. -H S
tial artifacts and docum ents.
T he Shapell M anuscript Founda­
tion is an educational organization
dedicated to the collecting and re-
search o f original m anuscripts and
historical docum ents. For more infor­
mation, please visit the Foundation's
website atw w w .shapell.org
Split State Party
Continues Feuds
»> «
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T he S haped M anuscript F o u n ­
dation announces that rarely seen
docum ents from its collection are
included in “T he Fading L ight o f
C am elo t,” an exhibit at the O regon
H istorical Society that traces the
pivotal events leading up to and
f o llo w in g P r e s id e n t J o h n F.
K e n n ed y ’s assassination.
Included in the exhibition is the
last thing believed to have been
signed by the 35th P resident o f the
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U nited States before he w as s h o t .
UOTOR< tin : RII)E>
and killed, riding w ith his w ife in an
Yarborough Snubs LBJ
», M
OTA »1«
open lim ousine in D allas.
T hat m orning he auto g rap h ed
the front page o f T he D allas M o rn ­
ing N ew s for a hotel cham berm aid.
B eneath a headline declaring "Storm
A newspaper from the morning John F. Kennedy was killed in
o f P o litica l C o n tro v e rsy S w irls
Dallas is believed to be the last thing he signed before he was
A ro u n d K e n n e d y o n V is it" ,
assassinated. The artifact is part of an exhibit “The Fading Light
K ennedy scribbled, "To Jan W hite,
of Camelot” at the Oregon Historical Society.
John K ennedy." T hose five w ords
w ere, in all lik elih o o d , the last ticket to the “T exas W elcom e D in­ the 50th an n iv ersary o f P resident
K ennedy w ould e v er w rite.
n e r” th a t w as p la n n e d fo r the K en n ed y ’s death on N ov. 2 2 ,1 9 6 3 ,
T he exhibit also includes a letter evening o f N o v em b er 22 - an event the exhibition will run through Jan 2.
about the death o f his son Patrick, that never took place and a painfully
T he exhibit at the O regon H is­
w ho died at birth on A ug. 9 ,1 9 6 3 ; a ironic letter d ated N ov. 26, w hich torical Society is part o f a perm anent
condolence letter K ennedy w rote w ould be the day after K ennedy's e x h ib itio n c a lle d “ W in d o w s on
to the w idow o f assassinated C ivil ow n funeral.
A m e ric a ,” w h ic h s h o w c a s e s a
R ights activist M edgar E vers; a rare
O pened in com m em oration o f w orld-class collection o f presiden-
K ' a 'w t} ut .*#>• Inttt^tn • i/r n tf u u t
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11140 SE Powell Blvd
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