Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 27, 2013, Page 9, Image 9

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    November 27, 2013
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East County
North Portland
Some o f the fam iliar characters whose Dickens get
twisted this holiday season with The Second City’s A
Christmas Carol: Twist Your Dickens now playing at
Portland Center Stage. Pictured, clockwise from Santa,
John San Nicolas, Nicholas Kessler, Beth Melewski,
Chantal DeGroat,
Lauren Modica,
Craig Cackowski,
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D ickens G ets T wisted
Second City laughs on a holiday classic
Portland C enter Stage brings the com edic genius o fT h e Second City to thestage
this holiday season w ithT heSecondC ity’sA C hristm as Carol: Twist YourDickens.
E m m y A w ard -w in n in g w riters fo r T h e C o lb ert R ep o rt, P eter G w in n and
B o b b y M o rt, w ro te th is sid esp littin g tak e on C h a rles D ic k e n s’ C h ristm as
novella. T he script offers plenty o f opportunities for im prov, w hich is an exciting
first for the m ulti-cast production.
Several Second City alum ni will m ake their Portland C enter Stage debuts,
including M att H ovde, directing the action, and Craig C ackow ski, starring as
Scrooge. They ’ 11 be joined by a troupe o f local com edic talent perform ing a host o f
familiar characters whose Dickens will get twisted this holiday season. Show s now
playing through Dec. 22. Regularticketsstartat$33. Discounts available for students
and those under 25.