Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 27, 2013, Page 16, Image 16

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    sportiani» (Observer
Page 16
Attention Soul D istrict Businesses and Residents
ailing 5*000 Shoppers!
Join NNEBA as we kick off our Annual Membership
Drive and the Holiday Season in Inner N/NE Portland
Events Include:
• Sat Nov 30 N atio n al S h o p S m all Day: Spend your holiday
dollars with our local inner N/NE small businesses as part o f the
national movement to celebrate small business.
• Sat Nov 30 N/NE C o m m u n ity T ree Lig h tin g 5-6:30pm
(MLK Gateway Heritage Marker square* NE Grand, Hancock
& MLK)
o Music from local artists
o Com plim entary Coco, coflee and sweet treats
o Raffle: Bring a non-perishable food item to donate to
Martha's Pantry and receive a raffle ticket for a chance
to win some great gifts from Soul District businesses
• Sat Dee 7 Food Cart Pavilion Feat: Visit the food carts for
special holiday feasts (NE MLK/Jarret & NE Fremont Vancouver)
• Sat Dec 14 H itzville Motown Review: 7:00pm at the Oregon
Convention Center. Tickets: www.eventbrite/event/8923844459
• Wed Dec 18 Jingle Holiday Dash: 6:45pm join the festive
No Po Run Club for Running, Caroling & Libations.
• Sat Dec 21 Specialized Holiday G ift Wrapping: by B.A.G. &
Company Interior Design at 311 N. Ivy St - Noon to 6:30pm/
For More Information: (503) 789-7074.
E'or More Info on these and other great Soul District Events
follow us on Facebook:
NNEBA North/Northeast Business Association PDX
Make a difference in our community by joining
NNEBA Today, w inner o f the 2013 Spirit o f Portland Award.
Call: 503-841-5032
Coming Soon: ww w N NEBAportland.org
We Would like to thank the following sponsors for
Investing in the Soul o f Portland!
h « n ry
C o
n c o id i *
© r
— *•* ^ Jnrllaith (Observer
Help for Troubled
Insurance Exchange
sure every person who wants in­
surance by Jan. 1 will have it,"
Kitzhaber said.
The g o v e rn o r also said he
should have been paying more
attention to Cover O regon's woes.
"In retrospect, I should have
been m ore engaged in the project.
I didn't realize the problem s were
so significant," he said.
Cover Oregon is supposed to
allow people to shop online for
health coverage, find out w hether
they qualify for tax credits under
the federal health care law, and
enroll in an insurance plan or
M edicaid. But O regon's system
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 2
King has faced growing pres­
sure from the Legislature and the
exchange's governing board to ex­
plain what went wrong and how it
will be fixed.
The governor said the prob­
lems with the exchange have been
"frustrating" and the state will do
a post-m ortem analysis o f what
wrong - but not until later. For
now, the state is focused on get­
ting O regonians enrolled via the
m anual paper system , he said.
"We have lim ited time, so we're
putting all hands on deck to make
N o vem b er 27, 2013
has struggled to accurately deter­
mine w hether people are eligible
for M edicaid or tax credits.
S ta te o f f ic ia ls say C o v e r
Oregon's online enrollment should
work for individuals by m id-D e­
cem ber, but not in tim e for people
to get coverage that begins Jan. 1.
To have coverage at the start of
the year, applications m ust be
postm arked by Dec. 4 and a plan
must be selected by Dec. 15.
Kitzhaber has been a staunch
supporter of the exchange, persuad­
ing state lawmakers to approve a
robust, ambitious platform. While
other states building their own in­
surance exchanges have compro­
mised on certain features, Oregon
has held on to its vision of building
a complicated clearinghouse that
could screen people for a wide range
of public assistance programs, not
just health care.
Soul District Tree Lighting
The com m unity is invited, to
experience the wonder o f the holi­
day season by jo in in g a Tree
Lighting C elebration at the gate­
w ay e n tra n c e in to n o rth and
northeast Portland.
The event will be held Satur­
day, Nov. 30 at the M artin Luther
K ing B oulevard G atew ay and
H eritage M arkers plaza on the
corn er o f N o rth east Schuyler,
Hancock and G rand Avenue. The at the event.
cerem ony will begin at 5 p.m. with
The N orth/N ortheast Business
the lighting at 5:30 p.m. There will A ssociation and its annual “Illu­
be live m usic and entertainm ent m inating the Soul H oliday C am ­
by local artists, and a raffle for paign” is the sponsor o f the event.
Inner north and northeast Port­
For every non-perishable item land was coined “the Soul o f Port­
o f food you bring to the celebra­ land” over 15 years ago by NNEBA
tion for M artha's Pantry, you will Board m em bers, com m unity part­
receive one raffle ticket for the n e rs a n d c ity o f P o r tla n d
opportunity to win various prizes officials.
M o re th a n 1 0 0 plans 4 va lu e tie rs . W e re open and