Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 27, 2013, Page 15, Image 15

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    The Asante Children’s Choir will perform Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. at Celebration Tabernacle, 8131 N. Denver Ave
Choir Raises Hope and Joy
The Asante Children’s Choir will on Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. at children in the choir, many who are
perform traditional African and Celebration Tabernacle, 8131 N. orphans or have parents who are
American worship music, as well as Denver Ave.
unable to provide for them, are of­
African folk songs, drum music and
Asante is a Swahili word mean­ fering a “thank you” to supporting
vibrant dance, during a free concert ing “thank you” and the African partners, by inspiring hope and joy
musical tribute.
The event is a time to honor the
lives of family and friends who are
In association with Warner Pa­ speak Life’, will take place Sunday, living with and/or have succumbed
cific College, Chrysalis Ministries Dec. 1 at 3 p.m. at Warner Pacific to an HIV or AIDS-related illness.
along with other community part­ College, 2219 S.E. 68th Ave.
The public is welcome and admis­
ners are presenting the second An­
The concert will be followed by a sion is free for all ages;
nual World Aids Day concert.
prayer vigil at 3:45 p.m. and will be
For more information, visit the
The perform ance, entitled, ‘I concluded with an inspirational website wamerpacific.edu/ispeaklife.
World Aids Day Concert
through music and dance. In return,
the Asante Choir raises support to
give hope to many other children in
East Africa.
The work of Asante began in
1999, when founder and child refu­
gee, Amon Munyaneza, began sup­
porting just one girl, called Naomi,
with school fees and regular Bible
studies. Soon his friends also started
to support kids. Today, Asante is
supporting more than 2,800 chil­
dren, running three schools in East
Africa and working in the East Afri­
can nations of Rwanda, Burundi,
and Uganda - countries which have
been tom by great genocide, years
of civil war and extreme poverty.
Women’s Day at Allen Temple
The community is invited to join
Rev. Dr. LeRoy Haynes and the
Allen Temple C.M.E. Church fam­
ily for their annual Women’s Day
Celebration on Sunday, Dec. 1 at
3:30p.m. “Women Driven By The
P u rp o se o f G o d ” , S crip tu re
Jeremiah 29:11 -13, is the theme foi
the special afternoon of worship,
music and fellowship. Dr. Yvette
Assensoh, director of diversity for
the University of Oregon is speak­
ing. Allen Temple is located at 4236
N.E. Eighth Ave.
An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession
Part 9. Low Back Surgery:
The unkindest and most unnecessary cut of all.
Should I try chiropractic tic requires no drugs, surgery, recupera­
for my low back pain or have tion or expensive hospital bills. With
surgery and get it “fixed right?”
Chiropractic, the only side effects are the
A : We hear this question quite disappearance of symptoms and the re­
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
often and considering many phy­
sicians’ pro-surgery preoccupation,
it’s no wonder people ask such ques­
tions. That is, until they examine the
facts. The truth is that in about 90% of
low back pain, the problem is mechani­
cal. Chiropractic has had and contin­
ues to have the best technique for
treating spinal mechanical problems
through gentle, exact adjustment with
highly skilled hands. And Chiroprac-
currence o f vitality.
: Which technique has
better results for low back
problems, Chiropractic or surgery?
: A ccording to a recent issue
of Com puter M edicine, low back
surgery is one o f the least effective
procedures. In fact, 75 to 99% are un-
successful. Before you make an
decision, heed the advice o f the “ft
ther” o f low back surgery: “exhau:
all m ethods o f conservative care b<
fore considering surgery to the lun
bar (low back) spine.” To find oi
how C h iro p ractic can help yo
avoid back surgery, or for answer
to any questions you m ight hav
about your health, please call us i
the phone num ber displayed belov
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon 97212 •
P h o n e : ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -,5 5 0 4