N o vem b er 27, 2013 ïiortlanb tfHiserupr Page 13 ENTERTAINMENT Dancers conduct a rehearsal for their Thanksgiving weekend shows featuring the Portland ballet and Portland State University Symphony. Magical Ballets for the Holiday Check out our full menu: Fish & Grits, French Toast, Catfish, PhiUy Cheese Steaks, Burgers , Sweet Potato Pie, Peach Cobbler BREAKFAST SERVED 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. T h is T h a n k s g iv in g w e ek e n d , ers from age three to 19. A preview perform ance on Friday, young dancers from T he Portland To expand audiences throughout N ov. 29 at 4 p.m. will have only pay- Ballet and the Portland State U niver­ the city, 100 pay-w hat-you-w ill tick­ w hat-you-w ill tickets, w hich can be sity Sym phony present tw o m agical ets will be available at each show, reserved by calling the Lincoln Hall ballets, the holiday favorite The E n­ giving everyone a chance to experi­ box office. The other show s are the chanted Toyshop, and the thrilling ence the arts, no m atter their budget. opening night production on Friday, F ir e b ird . C h o r e o g r a p h e r J o h n Available at the PS U Lincoln Hall box Nov. 29 at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Nov. 30 at C lifford's 2005 Firebird brings the office one hour before each show, 1 p.m. a n d 4 p.m .; and Sunday, Dec. 1 highly dram atic elem ents o f danger, the tickets are good for open seating at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. beauty, tragedy and rom ance. The and cost $5, plus an optional dona­ Reserve your tickets at the PSU Portland Ballet nurtures young danc- tion. A dult tickets usually cost $35. Box Office or call 503-725-3307. Ceramics Club L Alien Temple C.M.E. Holiday Sale Church Women\ Day Celebration M t. H o o d C o m m u n ity C o lle g e w ill h o st the s c h o o l’s C e ra m ic s C lu b H o lid ay S ale, T u e sd a y , D ec. 3 th ro u g h F rid ay , D ec. 5 in th e V isual A rts G allery on the G resham C am pu s, 2 6 000 S.E . S tark St., d u r­ ing re g u la r g a lle ry h o u rs fro m 9 a .m .to 5 p .m . The annual sale will feature func­ tional item s m ade by C eram ics C lub students as well as the V isual A rts departm ent. Part o f the proceeds w ill go to funding club activities such as inviting professional artists to conduct w orkshops on cam pus. CAFE Miracles A T Club MIRACLES Building 4200 NE MLK Blvd, Portland, OR 97211 971.200.7227 M o n d ay -F rid ay 8:30am -lpm ; S a tu rd a y 9am-2pm D aily Specials: $7.50 M on day - M eatloaf, m ashed potatoes & gravy and vegetables. T uesday — C ooks choice Wed. - B abyback R ibs, potato salad, collard greens, cornbread T h ursday — Sm othered pork chops, rice & gravy, veggies, roll F riday — Fish & C hips w ith coleslaw Sides: C ollard G reens, M ac & C heese, Yams, Potato Salad, R ed B eans & R ice Please join Rev. Dr. LeRoy Haynes and the Allen Temple C.M.E. Church family for their Annual Women’s Day Celebration. Sunday, December 1, 2013 - 3:30pm, 4236 NE 8th Ave. Theme: “Women Driven By The Purpose of God” F o r in fo rm a tio n con tact: R egina G reen 503 287-0261 o r 5 0 3 2 8 2 -9 8 1 3 C k tf F F ir A /S f c d C lF S Church Fundraiser IT’S BEEN A YEAR AN D W E ’RE STILL H E R E !!!! NOVEM BER ANNIVERSARY G IFT T O YOU BUY A SA N D W ICH O R BURGER, ‘G E T YOUR FRIES FREE! M e e -M a ’s L o u isia n a G u m b o T a s tin g E v e n t Saturday, November 30 2013, 1.00-4:00 pm Albina Youth Opportunity School 3710 N. Mississippi F o r in form ation con tact: M yrtis B eal 503 3 0 9 -9 9 0 7 B rin g this coupon to g e t y o u r f r e e frie s. J Coupon has no cash value; good only at Café at Miracles for November 2013. I