Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 20, 2013, Page 15, Image 15

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    jdnrtlanb (Observer
November 20, 2013
Improving Lives
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3
and job searching.
Once a woman has secured a job,
Dress for Success works with vari-
ous service providers to help ensure
they stay employed, and are moving
forward in a financially stable career,
The new Patricia Whiting Career
nity activist and former State Repre-
sentative who rose out of poverty as
a migrant worker and served three
terms in the state capital. The center
marks a momentous transition for
leaders and patrons of Dress for Suc-
cess after nearly 15 years of serving
the public.
Clients that were once relegated to
a small two-computer cubicle near
the entrance of the building now have
a large space comfortably housing
four computers, and a full library of
books covering everything from in-
terview tips, to guides to entrepre-
neurship. The space even comes with
a fully functional kitchen that will be
mostly utilized by Dress for Success
employees to provide free meals to
women who attend their monthly
Professional Women’s Group which
is designed to sharpen both interper­
sonal and professional skills.
The additions were made possible
with generous donations by Vince
Whiting, Bank of America, Wal-Mart,
and other community members.
‘T o actually have this dedicated
space, that it’s professional, and it’s
warm, and inviting— it’s going to al­
low us to do so much more with our
clients,” said Barbara Attridge, Dress
for Success executive director. “For
me, it’s a career center, but it’s also a
place for hope and possibilities for
Page 15
Avalon Flowers
520 SW 3rd Ave., Portland, OR 97204 • 503-796-9250
A full service
flower experience
• Funerals
Mon.-Fri. 7:30am til 5:30pm
Saturday 9am til 2pm.
O pen:
Cori Stewart— Website: avalonflowerspdx.com
Owner, Operator
Honoring History
c o n t i n u e d f r o m fron t
League of Portland.
“It is gratifying to see the begin­
ning of dramatic and tangible park
improvements,” he said. “It is impor­
tant to deeply understand the history
here, while still focusing on the fu­
ture. We look forward to a tremen­
dous new park and appreciate the
commitment by the city and its part­
ners to increase the quality of life
City Parks Commissioner Amanda
Fritiz called Dawson Park a widely
treasured public asset with a deep
“What we are doing today is about
making more history. I am thrilled that
Dawson Park is being re-energized,
and proud to see our city working to
make it a vibrant part of the commu­
nity once again,” Fritz said.
“Legacy Emanuel was founded
m pre than 100 years ago ju st
across the street from Dawson
Park, on the concept o f caring for
the people in this neighborhood,”
s a id D r. L o ri M o rg a n , the
h o sp ita l’s ch ie f adm inistrative
officer. “We are proud to have
contributed to Dawson Park’s new
w ater play feature where children
and adults alike can appreciate
• Weddings
email: avalonflowers@msn.com
We Offer Wire Services
the outdoors and be active. Our
staff, patients and their fam ilies
are looking forw ard to enjoying
Dawson Park once again.”
The project is a partnership be­
tween the PDC and Portland Parks
& Recreation. The Interstate Corri­
dor Urban Renewal Area will pro­
vide $2.3 million in funding.
Support for the public artwork
comes from the Regional Arts &
Culture Council. R&R General Con­
tractors has been selected to con­
struct the park improvements with
87 percent of the construction work
to be performed by minority, women
and emerging small business-certi­
fied contractors.
Construction is expected to run
through June.
Trio of Blazers on All-Star Ballot
of 12.4 points, 6.6 rebounds and 5.4 This year, the NBA is expanding
assists along with recording his third so cial m ed ia v o tin g such as
averaged 19.9 points, 5.1 rebounds career triple-double on Nov. 2 in the Facebook and Twitter to include
and 5.5 assists while ranking fourth in team’s home opener.
the league in total made 3-pointers
NBA A ll-Star Balloting pre­
NBA fans can also access the
(25). Aldridge, a two-time NBA All- sented by Sprint gives fans around ballot and vote through the NBA
Star, owns team-high season aver­ the world the opportunity to vote Game Time and NBA Game Time
ages of 21.3 points, 8.8 rebounds. daily for their favorite players as from Sprint applications. Fans can
Batum has posted season averages starters for NBA All-Star Game 2014. fill out one full ballot per day.
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 10
11140 SE Powell Blvd
Live Music every weekend, good R&B, Blues and Gospel.
Gospel every Sunday 3:00pm until 7:00pm
Club Reo All-Star Jam Session, Sunday 8:00pm - 1:00am
Everyone is Invited
An ongoing series of questions and answers about Am ericas natural healing profession
The backing up of body’s sewage system.
: As a natural form o f heal­
ing, there is much a Chiroprac­
tic and the improved lifestyle we
ommend can do to remove the immedi­
ate distress and long term health haz­
ards of constipation. But before we
begin, you should understand that
constipation takes two approaches.
The first is the tight, sometimes painful
feeling in the lower back area. The
second and more insidious type is
what we call “hidden constipation.”
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
: Nothing has ever really This is when we seemingly move our
helped my constipation. What bowels regularly, but never completely
can Chiropractic possibly do? eliminate everything in our colon (large
intestine). This causes the colon to back
up and spread toxic poisons throughout
the body. This can lead to everything
from sinusitis to allergies to arthritis.
Chiropractic can help to alleviate this
problem by gently turning nerves back
on in the colon and small intestine. It is
not uncommon for a patient to have two,
three or even four bowel movement
after the first adjustments on his or he
spine. A man with FBSS (failed bad
surgical syndrome) went home an<
had 12 bowel movements that night
And he claimed he wasn’t even con
stipated! W hatever questions yoi
might have about health and healing
you’ll find that Chiropractic is oftei
the answer. Call us for an appointmen
flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon 97212 • Phone: (503)287*3504