Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 13, 2013, Page 11, Image 11

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    November 13, 2013
^Jortlaub (Obseruer
Page II
Zion’s ‘Worship in Pink’ Ambassadors
Portland and Vancouver Gospel
singers Georgene Rice, Gerutha
Greenidge, and Deborah
Greenidge are celebrating the
release o f their new devotional
book and CD ‘Undaunted,
Songs for the Journey’ with a
concert on Saturday, Nov. 2 3 at
7 p.m. at New Song Community
Songs for
the Journey
friends publish
book and CD
Lifelong friends Georgene Rice,
Gerutha Greenidge and Deborah
Greenidge are celebrating their
newly published devotional book
and accompanying CD by hosting a
concert of worship songs and read­
ings from their latest project.
The community is invited to at­
tend the free event with CD's and
books available to purchase on Sat­
urday, Nov. 23 at 7 p.m. at New Song
Community Church, 2511 N.E. Mar­
tin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
The trio offers their unique per­
spectives about heartache, disap­
pointment, and pain while maintain­
ing faithfulness in God through
life’s most difficult and challenging
Undaunted: The Daring Journey
of Faithfulness book and compan­
ion music CD, Undaunted: Songs
For The Journey, feature a compila­
tion o f words and songs that carried
these three ordinary women from
struggle to victory.
Georgene Rice has been a radio
talk show host in Portland for more
than 20 years and has traveled inter­
nationally as a station correspon­
dent, short term missionary, and
worship musician. She has lectured
on university campuses and is a
frequent sp eak er and w orship
Deborah Greenidge is the sev­
enth o f eight children. From a long
line of pastors and music ministers,
her life of ministry reflects a rich
heritage of faith. She has served as
a music pastor for over 20 of her 30
years in ministry and is known for
giving her all in selfless worship and
in leading others to do the same.
Church ambassadors Myra Webb, Sylvia Harris, Rae Lockhart, and Lorine Myles participate in the Susan G. Komen “ Worship in
Pink” service at Community A.M.E. Zion Church in Vancouver.
Com m unity A. M. E. Zion Church in
V ancouver recently hosted a Susan G.
Komen 'W orship In Pink' Sunday service.
M inister R ita-R enee H ollinshed, a m ental
health counselor and a m em ber of the
E benezer A. M .E. Zion Church in Seattle
was the guest speaker.
Hollinshed is a cancer survivor currently
going through breast cancer treatment. In her
message, she shared how her faith was the key
that helps her get through, understanding that
"chemo does what it is supposed to and God
will do the rest."
In closing, Minister Hollinshed said, " thou
I go through the valley of death I will not
fear.... Amen."
During the reception that followed the Oct.
13 service, breast cancer survivors were hon­
ored with a Worship In Pink scarf and beautiful
handmade bracelets made by church ambas­
sador Sylvia Harris and helpers.
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