O ctober 23. 2013 ÿlortlanô ©bseruer Inspired Determination Page 15 C lassifieds /B ids Office Administration Instructor Needed! and teachers com m unicate to her Northwest Portland what she cannot do brought to Office Adm inistration profes might use for an errant child. m ind how a sim ilar thing happens sional needed to train students The m other clearly surpasses here to girls and women, or to for careers in the Office Admin­ her driver in education and class, other groups underrepresented in istration field. Must possess ex­ yet her position in the societal positions o f influence. tensive knowledge of Microsoft hierarchy accords him license to Sim ilarly, I found it instructive Office products including Word, treat her with disdain. H er life is to reflect on the ways in which E xcel, A c c e ss , O u tlo o k , plagued with other senseless but W adjda's world communicates her PowerPoint, and Publisher, and immovable complications, includ­ value relative to men. In Saudi current technologies utilized in ing the worry that her husband Arabia, the wom en are draped in office settings. Excellent written will give in to pressure to take on so m uch black as to shield them and oral communication skills, another wife because she cannot alm ost entirely from view, while com puter skills, strong cus­ produce a m ale heir. men w ear white. tomer service skills, and ability H er situation does not, how ­ T he e n fo rc e rs in W ad jd a's to interact effectively with stu­ ever, m otivate her to push for more world are nearly all women, who dents, staff and business com­ for W adjda; rather, she is quick to constantly remind her of and model munity. reinforce such limits with her head­ for her the responsibility to shield strong daughter, passing on gos­ men from seeing her ("if you can Microsoft Office Suite instructor sip about a scandal involving one see them , they can see you") or level certification or valid Or­ o f the girl's older classm ates and hearing her talk ("your voice is egon Vocational Teaching Li- dism issing the girl's desire for a your nakedness.") Perhaps our cense/Certification preferred. bicycle as unthinkable. One year instructional experi­ ways of com m unicating our val­ W adjda views the many restric­ ues and expectations to women ence preferred. $41,600 an­ tions that characterize her life with and girls are m ore subtle, or per­ nual salary; plus benefits pack­ disdain typical o f m any adoles­ h ap s we are less a ttu n e d to age. cents. W hen her m other lectures them. A p p ly on line at her, she turns up her Am erican D irector M ansour has found a w w w .m tc jo b s .c o m , Req. m usic; and when instructed by way to tell this story with light­ #9319. All responses must be her principal to replace her high- ness and subtlety, helped by the received no later than close of top Converse with the m ore fem i­ feisty spirit of a child. But don't let business day Friday, November nine all-black shoes worn by her that lightness fool you (as it seems 8, 2013. Veterans and minori­ classm ates, she responds by co l­ to have fooled at least one male ties encouraged to apply. We are oring the white portions of her critic) into thinking of this story an Equal Opportunity Employer! shoes with a black m arker. as slight. Her heroine's relentless­ T he w illfu ln e ss e v id e n t in ness, though naive, is also canny. HIV Prevention Specialist W adjda’s determ ination to be her­ W adjda tum bles to a strategy self, m akes her stand-out among for achieving that coveted bicycle Cascade AIDS Project (CAP), the her classm ates, whose rebellions (a K oran-reciting contest with a oldest and largest provider of are m ore contained. In such a cash prize) that reflects her under­ HIV p re ve n tio n , ed u ca tion , restrictive system , only such out­ estim ation of the fervor behind housing, advocacy and support liers have any real shot at achiev­ the rules that confine her but also services in Oregon and South­ ing anything beyond the lim its of em bodies ju st the sort of convic­ west Washington, is seeking a what society expects from them. tion that is necessary to surpass full-time HIV Prevention Special­ Though perhaps not as appar­ such boundaries. If you're open ist. Please v is it ent to us, the same is true in our to it — and if, like me, you som e­ www.cascadeaids.org/employ- culture too — that is, only the most tim es feel a bit confined yourself ment for complete posting. determ ined outlier thinkers are — you ju st might be inspired. likely to achieve anything very Darleen Ortega is a judge on the different from our expectations of Oregon Court o f Appeals and the Advertise with diversity z'/z them. first woman o f color to serve in that nu Pc >rrlandObser\ cr In Saudi culture, the im age of a capacity. Her movie review column girl on a bicycle is unthinkable, Opinionated Judge appears regu­ Call 503-288-0033 the achievem ent of that aspira­ larly in The Portland Observer. You tion heroic. But listening to all of can fin d her movie blog at ads @ port landob server, co m the ways that W adjda's parents opinionatedjudge. blogspot. com. Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives, Inc. c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 9 Upholstery Cleaning • Sofa/Loveseat • Pet Stains • Flood Restorations A IV n 11 v -> JL V » » We are seeking Qualified individuals to join our non-profit property management organization in the following positions: Staff Accountant. Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance, Busi­ ness Administration or similar field required. Minimum 3-5 years experience in Accountant role. Knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Knowledge of nonprofit accounting a plus. Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite. YARDI Property Manage­ ment Software experience is helpful. Accounts Receivable/Payable Clerk. Minimum Associate Degree in Accounting or Business with 4+ years accounts payable and ac­ counts receivable experience. Experience in areas of Real Estate, Property Management or Non-profit accounting a plus. Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite. YARDI Property Management Software ex­ perience is helpful. Please submit a cover letter and resume to Traci Tarver by email at Traci@pcrihome.org or fax to (503) 288-2891. This position is open until filled. Review our website for a full jo b description at www.pcrihome.org. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS OWNER: ADDRESS: C ITY OF W ASHOUG AL 1701 “ C ” Street W ashougal, WA 98671 I Separate sealed bids for 2013 City of Washougal Pedestrian Improvements Project I Consisting of: The construction of approximately 1,200 LF of concrete curb and side­ walk including pedestrian ramps, driveways, signage, and cross-walk flashing beacon. I Will be received by: CITY OF WASHOUGAL, WASHINGTON | At the office of: CITY HALL, 1701 “C” STREET, WASHOUGAL, WASHINGTON Until 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday, November 20th, 2013 and then at said office I publicly opened and read aloud. I CONTRACT PROVISIONS, PLANS, AND BID PROPOSAL forms may be ob­ tained by going to the City of Washougal online plan (document) center at ' (https:// plancenter.swca.prg). This online plan center provides Bidders I with free of charge access to these documents with the ability to email, download, and view full/partiaI plan sets and any addenda. If a Bidder has not previously done so, the Bidder will need to create a free user account. Information copies of the contract provisions, plans, and bid proposal are I also on file for inspection at the City of Washougal, City Hall, 1701 ‘C’ | Street, Washougal, WA 98671. No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the manner provided in the “Instructions to Bidders” upon the bid form provided in the Con- I tract Documents and accompanied by a bid bond executed in favor of the 1 Owner in an amount equal to no less than five percent (5%) of the total I amount of the bid. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond within the time stated ' in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City I of Washougal. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive all informalities. No bidder may withdraw or modify his bid after the hour set for the opening and thereafter until the lapse of thirty (30) days from the ' bid opening. | This project is financed by the Community Development Block Grant Program with funds obtained from the U.S. Department of Housing and | Urban Development. The Contract is subject to the regulations of the Department of Labor, and Housing and Urban Development. outrer aiuum i stuhim 5 0 3 - 7 0 5 - 2 5 8 7 Attention is called to the minimum wages as set forth in the contract j documents. Minimum wages shall be as required by the state wage rates. 12 Room s + Hall I i Extra I rooms $10 J each with poupon. s49 95 I Com plete House I I Up to ?99 JlOOOsq feet with coupon. | The City of Washougal in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 95' With Free I Deodorizer i 10 Years o f References Available Licensed • Bonded • Insured Carpet Cleaning Spot/Stain Removal • 24 Hour Flood Service Upholstery Cleaning • Area Rug Cleaning Dry Time 2-4 Hours • Free Estimates • Available Weekends 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, code of | Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, subtitle A, Office of | the Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business I enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of | race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. CITY OF WASHOUGAL Trevor Evers, Director of Public Works