^Jortlanb (Observer O ctober 16, 2013 £ 3 5 Ï Sg$ - ?/A Page 9 _ • * ■JG/ £• ~ „v r I » ’" Ì t i t / k îf^ll^t K T R ïv K e r t a North Portland Re-imagining lhe m eaningof family r; » I I I / / Joey (portrayed by Patrick Wang, left) and Cody (Trevor St. John) with their son Chip (Sebastian Brodziak) in a scene from the film ‘In the Family. ’ Asian-American Tennessean grappling with the aftermath of his life partner Cody's death and embroiled in a fight for custody of Chip, the six-year-old boy they viewed in J ( lx , i as his son but the law doesn't. D arli l \ O r li <■ \ But in a manner that befits this plain- spoken actor and director, Wang doesn't load the dice with dramatic speeches in which the characters discuss what they me really sad because this careful film so mean to each other. Instead, he depicts deserves an audience. the lived-in intimacy of parents juggling Yes, it is nearly three hours long, and its pick-up times and carrying on dual con­ deliberate pace has led several critics to versations with their child and each other; categorize it in the genre of "slow cinema," of cordial relationships with co-workers ch aracterized by long takes and a who ask after Chip; and of the routines minimalist, observational tone, but you and buoyant chatter of a well-loved child. will be hard-pressed to find a film that is Wang understands the importance of ev­ more carefully constructed, suspenseful eryday life in demonstrating what is true. and in its way, revolutionary. Joey's status as an outsider is subtly The film's main character is Joey, an conveyed. We learn enough of his back­ O pinionated UDGE & Inspiring film deserves an audience I've been slowly moving through my list of the best movies of 2012 in this column, and the film you are least likely to have seen is perhaps the one I have most often recommended since I first saw it last year. "In the Family" (#10 on my list) played in Portland for less than a week. First-time director Patrick Wang, who also wrote and stars in the movie, distributed the film himself and now has self-released it on home video. The lack of a distributor makes » » ground to tell that he has been raised outside his birth culture and has spent time as a foster child. He is nearly always the only non-Caucasian in the room and is accustomed to breezing past others' doubts and discomfort with courtesy. Though in flashback it appears that Cody's family accepted Joey and treated their relationship with respect, everything changes when Cody is hospitalized and then dies. We see how, in crisis, Cody's family closes ranks, and the hospital staff efficiently enforces appropriate norms. It's an important detail of Joey's experience, and one of many ways the film keeps things specific and complex. Wang takes the time to deconstruct how it is that otherwise good people can continued on page