Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 09, 2013, Page 16, Image 16

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    Page 16
^lortlanb (Observer
Recruiting Nurses of Color
co n tin u ed
fr o m p a g e 8
help to 4 4 students annually. T hose
enrolled at Southern O regon U n i­
O regon U niversity in M onm outh
w ill qualify for stipends and schol­
arships ranging from $ 1,800to $5,000
annually. Students in com m unity
co lleg es and those w ith a tw o-year
associate degree w ho w ant to earn
a b a ch e lo r’s degree in nursing will
versity in A shland and W estern
October 9, 2013
be eligible for $ 1,000 to $2,250.
percent population), the grant hopes
In O regon, the program sp ecifi­ to boost enrollm ent and support for
cally hopes to increase the num ber students o f L atino/H ispanic origin.
o f undergraduate nursing students
A n o th er goal is to enroll m ore
from d isad v an tag ed backgrounds co m m u n ity college students w ith
by 2 percent a year, going from the associate degrees into O H S U ’s bac­
cu rren t 13 percent to 19 p ercent by calaureate nursing degree program .
2016. B ecause o f the state ’s poor C urrently O H SU educates 55 o f
ratio o f L atino nurses to the L atino these students a year; the target is
p opulation (3.6 percent nurses to 12 70 by 2016.
Turning a Hobby into a Business
003-310 3600
long term objectives fo r the co m ­
pany are recorded along w ith the
T h e m issio n sta te m e n t a rtic u ­ form ulation o f the c o m p an y ’s strat­
l a t e s th e p u r p o s e o f th e egies, tasks and functions.
c o m p a n y ’s e x iste n c e , th e ir ta rg e t
The competition refers to research­
a u d ie n c e as w ell as th e p ro d u c ts ing other businesses that offer sim i­
an d serv ice s. T h e v isio n s ta te ­ lar services and products w ithin m ar­
m en t -i is th e g u id in g fo rce b eh in d ket. This is com paring prices and
th e m is sio n s ta te m e n t th a t f o ­ other m arketing techniques.
c u se s o n the v a lu es, aim s an d the
T he m arket analysis is the study
fu tu re d ire c tio n o f th e c o m p a n y . o f the m arket in its entirety that relates
T he organizational plan is a d e ­ to the strengths, w eakness, opportu­
scription o f y o u r business, p ro d ­ nities and threats that m ay arise w hen
ucts and services and the goals o f launching your business.
the com pany. In this section, the
T he m arket plan is an essential
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 8
T he N ew C lub
Roy (ay's Holiday "Spam and Velveeta"
1114 0 S E P ow ell B lv d
Live Music every weekend, good R&B, Blues and Gospel.
Gospel every Sunday 3:00pm until 7: pm
The Kirk Green Jam, every Sunday 8:00pm until 1:00am
Everyone is Invited
Showdogs is a full service salon. We do
baths, all over hair cuts, tooth brushing
nail trims, soft claws, flea treatments, mud
baths, and ear cleaning. We also have
health care and grooming products to
keep your pet clean in between visits.
Show Dogs
Grooming Salon & Boutique
926 N. Lombard
Portland, OR 97217
Tiiesday-Saturday 9am-7pm
Monday 10am-4pm
Yo dawg is gonna look like a show dawg
and your kitty will be pretty.
r *
part because this is w here you de­
velop strategies on how to solicit
consum ers and business. This is
w here you advertise! U se all public
relation resources and social m edia
to m arket your brand. Social m edia
has becom e the voice to the general
public to connect w ith current and
p r o s p e c tiv e c lie n ts .
T w itte r ,
Facebook, Instagram , and Y ouTube
allow you to create a presence in the
google dom ain, which will help cus­
tom ers find you on the web. Incorpo­
rate social m edia in your strategy and
invest in a good publicist to let the
m edia know about your business.
T he financial plan is the spine o f
the b usiness plan because it is a
blue p rin t o f your b u sin ess’ current
and future financial state. It is based
upon the business balance sheet,
incom e statem ent and cash flow s.
In oth er w ords, the financial plan
captures how m uch m oney is needed
to start the business including all
start up expenses. In addition, the
financial plan will forecast proposed
revenue fo r years to com e to assess
grow th potential.
T he executive sum m ary is the
final p iece o f the puzzle, and the
m ost im portant part because it sum ­
m arizes all the sections o f your b usi­
ness plan by extracting the m ain
points. P rospective investors de­
term ine w h eth er y o u r business is
profitable based upon this section
o f the docum ent. M ake sure that
y o u r m ain points are clear, concise
and creative!
A kilah C. T h o m p so n is a suc­
cessful A frican-A m erican entrepre­
neur, m otivational speaker, v ision­
ary coach and author.
X tend B arre Portland is thrilled to
open its doors. T he studio is
located in the new D Street V illage
on D ivision Street in the heart o f
m any exciting developm ents. T he
X tend B arre® W orkout is a fast-
paced, 5 5-m inute full body,
energetic w orkout that fuses dance,
Pilates and sculpting exercises at
the ballet barre to give you a
chiseled body - and fast!
A dditional classes currently offered o r com ing soon are Pilates M at, Piloxing, and X tend B arre Stick,
all different but equally as effective in sculpting the body. Find us at 3080 SE D ivision Street, Portland,
O R 97202 and visit o ur w ebsite w w w .xtendbarreportland.com for studio inform ation and class sch ed ­
ules. M eet you at the barre!
— Jessica Natonick - Owner & Instructor