O ctober 9, 2013 ‘ri,f TJortlanò (Dhsrruer Page 13 Artsx? Learn from consumer protection experts how to protect you and your family from fraud. IMIIIAISHISI Rose City Connections Rapper Tech N9ne makes Portland stop T he P ortland O bserver caught up w ith recording artist T ech N 9ne w hen he cam e to tow n during his current 50 city tour. T he “ S o m e­ thing E lse” tour, entitled after his latest album features hip hop in d u s­ try h e a v y w e ig h ts su ch as W iz K halifa, B .O .B ., C ee Lo G reen, and K endrick L am ar, his longtim e c o l­ laborator K rizz K aliko and m any more. A s the founder o f his ow n record label, S trange M usic, w hich c u r­ rently pulls in m ore than $20 m illion annually, T ech N 9ne is often la­ beled as the “the m ost successful independent rapper o f all tim e”. W ith a m astery o f a signature to n g u e­ tw isting delivery, the 41 y e ar old m ogul has touched on a range o f d e ep ly p e rso n al su b jec ts in his m usic, such as a nearly fatal drug addiction, separation from his w ife, distance from his children, death o f his best friend, and m ost recently his accusation that a seventh grade D M S\ Y ou had talked about how teacher m olested him during his y o u ’re pain tin g y o u r face, you look y o u th . a lot m ore like y o u r ancestors than In his brief, but com pellin g e x ­ o th er p eople m ight even think. ch an g e w ith P o rtla n d O b se rve r T ech: Y eah, Y eahhh. R e p o rter D onovan M. Sm ith, they DMS'. A nd you know , listening discuss the artist’s deep co n n ec ­ to that song, B reaking In T o C o l­ tions w ith the city o f P ortland, his ored H ouses [on y o u r new album ], often cited battle to gain A frican- y o u ’ve been talking about this stuff, A m erican fans, m aintaining his a u ­ the struggle for b lack fans. th e n tic ity , an d d e fin in g su ccess T ech: Y eah, I ’ve been tryna get outside o f the m oney and his c u lt­ m y p eople at m y show s. like fan base. T he com m ents are D M S: I saw that you said overall edited for brevity and language: that you w anted to take this album D M S: So basically y o u ’ve done in a w hole d ifferen t space than you a lot o f w ork w ith Portland artists have before. out here. Y o u ’ve w orked w ith C ool T ech: U h, ev ery album I do is N utz, Illm aculate, Bosko. m ore hum o n g o u s than the last. I T ech: Y eah, and, uh, D J C hill thought that w as gonna be im p o s­ (a.k.a. C hillest Illest). He w as m y DJ sible to do w ith A ll 6 ’s and 7 ’s. fo r a w hile. E verybody that w as on that album , D M S: W hat keeps draw ing you the beats. But m e and m y producer out here though, ‘cause every tim e Seven ju s t keep getting b etter and you go on tour, I think y o u ’re out better, and E m pire keeps getting here? b etter and better, and, uh, I thank T ech: R eal [expletive] [laughs]. the L ord fo r that. I ’m m a c o m e w herever m y fans are. D M S: A nd I know y o u ’ve prob­ G ot a lot o f fans here m an, so I ’m ably been asked this question a thou­ gonna alw ays be w here they are. I ’ll sand tim es, but balancing w here you still do show s in B end, O regon and com e from, which is bangin ’ and com ­ Eugene. ‘C ause som e people w anna ing into an arena w here a lot o f your see you up close and personal you fans have been Juggalos, and white k n o w , as o p p o sed to the n o se ­ people— and— how do you find that bleeds. I plan on getting big as the balance o f know ing w ho you are at nosebleeds, but I ’m alw ays com ing the end o f the day? W hat keeps you back w here m y fans are. T hat w hy I rooted in that? keep com ing back here you know . T ech: I ’m everything. I ’m 3 d i­ D M S: I saw in y our interview m ensional. I ’m the K ing, the C low n, w ith T he B reakfast C lub: and the G. I d o n ’t have to change T ech: U h-huh [sm iles] m yself. T his facep ain t has been m e Rapper Tech N9ne is considered one of the most successful hip hop artists. SCAM JAM O ctober 22, 2013 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Oregon Convention Center, Portland bit.ly/ScamJamPDX BROUGHT TO YOU BY: since ’94. T hey beauty o f T ech N 9ne is ju s t that I give it all, and you take it as it is you n a h ’m say in ’. D M S: Y o u ’re called the m ost successful rapper T e c h : Independent. D M S: Y eah, yeah, and p eople base that o ff o f m oney. T e c h : Y eah they do. D M S: So w hat defines success fo r you? T e c h : S uccess fo r m e is seeing m y artists prospering as w ell as m e, and I ’ve pro sp ered fo r years. N ow I have like m any artists that are p ro s­ pering as w ell, o ff o f som ething that I built. I love that, th a t’s successful to m e. W hen you can go from riding in a 12 p assen g er van alm ost dying flipping over back in ’05 [looks dow n at tattoo w ith date o f the incident], um , to paying fo r three hum o n g o u s buses fo r o th er artists and crew to ride on to co m e on y o u r tour, th a t’s success to m e. T o be able to see fans, sold out every night and e v ­ erybody sm iling at you as opposed to frow ning at you and throw ing shit at you. T h a t’s real success right there, w hen you look ou t in the cro w d and it’s ev ery b o d y sm iling. T h a t’s the [expletive], yeah. D M S: Y ou got any advice for the young. I ’ll say black people tryna co m e up. N ot ju s t in rap, ju s t in life? T e c h : Y oung black people tryna co m e up, it’s hard if you d o n ’t have education. E ducation is the key to everything. T he m ore you know , the m ore p eople you can talk to. 1-877-926-83OO OREGON DEPARTMENT OR JUSTICE C O N S U M E R P R O T E C T IO N FIGHTING FRAUD M PROTECTING OREGONIANS FELLOWSHIP MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 4009 N. Missouri Avenue, Portland, OR 97227 503-249-0377 Invites you to come and celebrate with us for our 26th Church Anniversary & Homecoming October 12th - 13th, 2013 Theme: "Hope In The Midst of a Storm" Mark 4:35-41 Saturday, October 12, 2013 1:00 pm - Banquet is at the Church ** Sunday, October 13,2013 at 11:00 am - Evangelist Evelyn McCoy of the Highland Christian Center will be our speaker. The celebration will climax Sunday, October 13, 2013 at 3:30 pm - Special Guest: Bethesda Baptist Church, Rev. Robert C. Jointer, Pastor Sis Rosa Kennedy, Chairlady & Sis Vickie Marshall, Co-Chairlady Dr. Johnny Pack IV, Pastor ** The donation is $10.00. Please contact Rosa Kennedy at 503-281-9316 if you are interested in attending the banquet.