2013 special coverage issue VolumeXLIII ‘City tf/Roses’ U i3 Number 38 www.portlandobserver.com Wednesday • October 2, 2013 Established in 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity J . #0 c o m m u n ttv w rv it Let’s Get Down to Business M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver photo by Entrepreneur and Portland civic leader Roy Jay is synonymous with success in the Rose City. Once considered a prime candidate for mayor, the accomplished Jay is quick to share his insights and open doors for the next generation. Big personality entrepreneur has advice for the next generation by D onovan M. S mith h T“ Po,RTLAND Obs“ ™< Roy Jay is synonymous with success in the Rose City. He has made a name for himself as an entrepreneur, civic leader and general all-around big personality. At 66, he has no plans on slowing down, but he does look forward to seeing a new generation of Portlanders pass through some of the many doors he has left open for them. “I’m a businessman first and foremost. But I’ll never forget where I come from, ever,” Jay said during an interview with the Portland Observer from his offices on Northeast Fremont Street in the Beaumont neighbor- h° ? d - P o r t l a Jay is a native Portland resident. He was raised in north Portland’s publie housing projects, a skinny kid who stuttered a lot, but then grew up to become an outstand- ing communicator and African-American leader with big shoes to fill Even with an ever-swelling list of accolades to add to ........ —--------------------- ------------------------ --------------- _______ r door open for the next person,” he says. On starting a business in Portland or following dreams . . r r J for a career, Jay gives inspiration to the next generation. “There’s opportunity sitting out here, all people have > , . to do is go and apply themselves. And I’m not saying it’s easy, nothing’s easy,” Jay says. 7 # 7 7 a i t , As the director of organizations like the Portland Q P p l y tr lC W lS C tV C S . A jlC l I t t l African American Chamber of Commerce and Project Clean Slate, he has created a pathway for people that are truly serious about enhancing their lives. V CA? Under his leadership, the African-American chamber A CtZAJ/. has been recognized as one of the best chambers of any n d entrepreneur and cMc leader Ray Jay. kind in the nation. The group has served as a major ■ catalyst for ng budding and established business ventures in ~ --------------- 7--------i----------------careiysuor nuoa, and esublished b u si^ ss ventures in H impressive resume of operating 11 businesses P° rtland s African-American community and people of W ^ m e, he is quick to assume new responsibili- all [a“ s . ^ es- ls a so consin 'lUlrllTlg