Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 04, 2013, Page 8, Image 8

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    W ^înrtlanb (©bseruer
Page 8
September 4 , 2013
Let Portland Ring ! University to Host Justice Mass
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3
“ W e ’ve forgotten the fight, w e ’ve
forgotten the plight, w e’ve fo rgot­
ten the struggle,”
In c o n trad ictio n to P o rtla n d ’s
p ro g ressiv e b randing, M o ndainé
characterizes the city as “ 20 years
b ehind” on providing full equality.
" W e ’re still ju d g in g people for their
lifestyles, w e ’re still etched in the
backw oods o f the horrors o f the
D eep S outh,”
He encourages Portlanders to
vote, support the local chapter o f
the N A A C P, w hich has dw indled
in num bers, and em pow er other
socially active groups rep resen t­
ing local A frican A m ericans, like
the A lbina M inisterial A lliance,
U rban League o f Portland, and Self
Enhancem ent, Inc.
New 7-week postnatal dance series
$10 drop-in or $60
for the 7-iveek
fall session
Sept. 2nd
thru Oct. 14th
Supreme Court
Justice Thomas
to attend events
U niversity o f P ortland w ill host
U.S. Suprem e Court Justice Clarence
T hom as and its annual R ed M ass
on T hursday, Sept. 19.
Prior to the M ass, Justice T h o ­
m as will appear at 4 p.m. in the Chiles
C e n te r o n c a m p u s , 5 0 0 0 N .
W illam ette Blvd. The event, “A
C onversation w ith U.S. Suprem e
C ourt Justice C larence T h o m as,”
w ill feature Justice T hom as answ er­
ing questions from U niversity o f
Portland political science p ro fes­
sors G ary M alecha and W illiam
f > '
Clarence Thomas
T he U n iv ersity ’s R ed M ass will
follow at 5:30 p.m . and will be p re­
s id e d by T h e M o st R e v e re n d
A lexander K. Sam ple, A rchbishop
o f Portland, in the C hapel o f C hrist
the T each er on cam pus. T he p rac­
tice o f the R ed M ass dates back to
the 13th C entury in Paris and L on­
don. T he M ass, requesting g u id ­
ance from the H oly Spirit fo rali who
ad m in ister ju stic e, has been c el­
ebrated in the U nited States since
B oth ev en ts are free and open to
the public. T here w ill be general
seating, and tickets are not required.
A ttendees are asked to arrive early
fo r tim e to clear security, and large
bags or backpacks w ill not be al­
Follow ing the events, a private
dinner for the law com m unity w ill be
held at 6:30 p.m. in the B auccio C om ­
m ons.
Justice T hom as has been an as­
sociate ju stic e on the U nited States
Suprem e C o u rt since 1991 w hen he
w as n om inated by P resident G eorge
H .W . Bush.
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