Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 04, 2013, Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2
September 4, 2013
Theft at Assisted Living Facility
Theresa Mozelll White
A north Portland woman is charged in the theft of a wedding
ring from a 92-year-old woman.
Portland Police were called to a northeast Portland assisted-
living facility last July on a report that an unknown woman had
entered the facility's dining hall and pulled the ring off the victim's
finger against her will.
Thursday, Theresa Reba Mozell White, 46, was charged with
theft and robbery. The ring was located in a nearby pawn shop,
and transaction records helped police identify White as the
Police said the victim, assisted-living facility and pawn shop
are all requesting privacy at this time and do not want to do any
media interviews.
His Legacy
Will Live On
C harles H.
W ash in g to n
P ublisher and
E ditor - in -C hief of
the P ortland
O bserver
Mitchell Asa
Marcus Forest-Cooper
Homeowner Assaulted
Suspects turn
violent after
car is towed
Police responding to a distur­
bance during Last Thursday on
Alberta Street arrested two men for
an assault on a neighbor.
The victim, 37-year-old Dirk
Tarman Jr., told police that a week
ago he'd noticed a Black BMW
parked in front of his house on
Northeast 18th Avenue, partially
blocking his driveway. Tarman said
he left a note asking that the driver
not block his driveway. After the
BMW was parked in front of his
driveway again on Thursday, po­
lice and parking patrol officers re­
sponded and the vehicle was towed.
Tarman said one of the suspects,
identified later as Mitchell Asa, 21,
-r. Week ¡n
The Review
Feds Ease Up on Marijuana
Dec. 18 1951
Dec. 8 2012
The U.S. Department of Justice will
not go after states which have legal­
ized marijuana. An updated state­
ment by the agency issued Thurs­
day explained how the federal pros-
came up to the house demanding to
know where the car was. When he
was told it had been towed, another
man identified as Marcus Forest-
Cooper, 24, came up to Tarman's
porch and began assaulting him and
moved into the house and contin­
ued to assault him, police said.
The resident grabbed a cordless
drill and struck Forest-Cooper in the
arm, possibly with the drill bit, as
Asa also joined in the assault, po­
lice said. Both suspects and two
other men all ran away as police
arrived in the area. One of the other
two men was not located and the
fourth was not charged.
Officers learned that all four men
were in the area to attend "Last
Thursday" festivities.
When police located Forest-Coo­
per, he had an injury to one of his
arms so he was treated and released
at a Portland hospital.
ecution of marijuana will not involve
personal use of the drug. The guid­
ance reiterated eight priority areas,
mostly focusing on keeping the
substance out of the hands of mi­
nors, criminal organizations, and
preventing violence stemming from
its distribution.
Leaders Back Strike on Syria
After the Syrian President was ac­
cused of killing nearly 1,200 of his
country’s citizens with nerve gas,
U.S. House leaders Monday backed
President O bam a’s decision to
launch a “limited attack” on Syria as
h o p v*\y iv\S iA v¿nnce û W
Bay Bridge Revamp
The eastern span of the San Fran­
cisco-O akland Bay Bridge has
opened to the public after a $6.4
billion renovation that was triggered
by a massive earthquake in 1989.
Vehicles began crossing the struc­
ture Monday after more than a de­
cade of construction delays.
Drunk Driver gets 7 Years
When you visit our offices, we see you first, not your insurance card. That’s because we believe
every woman deserves high-quality healthcare. And that’s why we accept a full range of insurance
plans. Chances are, we accept yours. There are other options, as well; talk to us to learn more.
4 2 -y e a r-o ld
Cornelius man was
sentenced to 7 years
in prison Tuesday
for a drunk driving
crash that killed a pe-
d e stria n .
B rent
Warstler ran a red light and struck
Beck Bray, 20, and three others as
they walked together on a sidewalk,
downtown, celebrating a friend’s
21 st birthday. Bray died at die scene.