September 4, 2013 jportlanb (Observer Page II Arts X V FNFFCFAINMFNF I SIII I C » 7 jjjO ... .- r i Three family-friendly routes suitable for most skill and experience levels will highlight the sixth annual Bike Beaverton event on Sunday, Sept.8 at 1 p.m. in Beaverton City Park. events at 1 p.m. followed by a family-friendly bike ride at 2 p.m. R e p re se n ta tiv e s from the Northwest Bicycle Safety Coun­ cil will inspect and fit helmets, and mechanics from Bike G al­ lery, Coventry Cycle W orks and Bike N ’ Hike will check partici­ pants’ bikes and make minor adjustments. “Bike Beaverton brings our co m m u n ity to g e th e r,” said Mayor Denny Doyle. “I encour­ age everyone to attend and join in the fun.” T here are three routes to choose from this year: 2.5 miles, 4.3 miles and 6.5 miles. Partici­ pants are encouraged to choose a route based on experience and skill level. The bike ride con­ cludes at Beaverton City Park with an ice cream social serving as the event’s finale. For more information, includ- ing ro u te m ap s, v isit or contact Margaret Middleton at 503-526-2424. Family- Friendly Bike Ride Kids and the whole family are invited to pedal through the city of Beaverton at the sixth annual Bike Beaverton celebration on Sunday, Sept. 8 at Beaverton City Park at Southwest Fifth Street and Hall Boulevard. A bike rodeo will kick off Excellent Care Funeral Services One Stop Funeral Center Now-Open... Showdogs is a full service salon. We do Advertise with diversity Ìli baths, all over hair cuts, tooth brushing, nail trims, soft claws, flea treatments, mud baths, and ear cleaning. We also have health care and grooming products to keep your pet clean in between visits. n'e Port land Observer Show D ogs Grooming Salon & Boutique Call 503-288-0033 503-283-1177 ads@ portlandobserver.coni 926 N. Lombard Portland, OR 97217 Tuesday-Saturday 9am-7pm Monday 10am-4pm . Yo dawg is gonna look like a show dawg and your kitty will be pretty. Get the best package in Portland for burial Everything you need all in one building. Consultation Minister • Large Sanctuary upon request and Balcony • Parking Available • Cremation • Limousine Service • Provided Hearst • Large Kitchen Location: 126 NE Alberta St On the corner of Mallory and Alberta 2 blocks West of MLK, Jr., Blvd Call now (503) 995-8442