IJortlnnò (Dbserurr A u g u s t 28 , 2013 Page 19 August SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Respect for Parents' Day Sport's Day Francis Scott Key B om in 1779 M TV Debuted In 1981 FRIDAY National Ice Cream Sandwich Day Congress enacts first income tax in 1861 First Lincoln Penny Issued In 1909 8 Australia Picnic Day Neil Armstrong bom in Ohio in 1930 Robert Bright bom, 1902 11 Play in the Sand Day Author Alex Haley's Birthday, 1921 The last total solar eclipse o f the millennium (1999) 12 13 IBM PC Announced in 1981 Middle Children's Day Hawaii Annexed to the U.S.( 1898) International Left- Hander's Day National Filet Mignon Day Fall o f the Aztec Empire, 1512 18 Bad Poetry Day Wizard o fO z Pre­ miered In 1939 Louis Fatio bom, 1904 Kiss & Make Up Day 25 Rosemont Court Art Show & Sale Original works by participating artists 597 N Dekum St, PDX97217* 1-5PM Barbara Cooney bom, 1917 Alfred Lord Tennyson bom, 1809 19 o National Aviation Day Bill Clinton B om in Hope, Arkansas in 1946 Orville Wright B om in 1871 Women 's Equality Day 26 Sea Serpent Day Betsy Byars bom, 1928 c Alice Provensen bom, 1917 National Creamsicle Day Japan Surrendered in World War II, 1945 20 National Radio Day Mosquito Day Vitus Bering discov­ ered Alaska in 1741 21 Wilt Chamberlain Bom in 1936 in Philadelphia, PA First Lincoln-Douglas Debate, 1858 27 3 Mother Teresa Bom in 1910 14 28 Roger Duvoisin bom, 1904 Dream Day: Martin Luther King Jr. gave the I Have a Dream' speech in 1963 Thomas Edison received a patent fo r the mimeograph machine in 1876 15 Relaxation Day Julia Child B om in Pasadena, Califor­ nia in 1912 Transcontinental Railroad completed, 1869 22 Be An Angel Day Ann Franklin's Birthday (1762) First female newspaper editor 29 First Scout Camp Opened In 1934 Michael Jackson B om in Gary, Indiana in 1958 SATURDAY 9 National Rice Pudding Day Betty Boop Created in 1930 Smokey Bear's Birthday (1944) 16 National Tell a Joke Day Roller Coaster Day Beatrice de Regniers bom, 1914 23 First Photo­ graph o f Earth From the Moon Taken in 1966 First National Women's Rights Convention, 1850 30 Laurent de Brunhoff bom, 1925 Thurgood Marshall took a seat on the Supreme Court, 1967 National Mustard Day National Watermelon Day Columbus Set Sail on his 1 st Voyage In 1492 10 S'Mores Day Herbert Hoover B om in 1874, in West Branch, Iowa 17 International Home­ less Animals Day Davy Crockett Bom in Tennessee in 1786 24 International Strange Music Day M ount Vesuvius Erupted, 79 A. D In 1932, Amelia Earhart flew across the U.S 31 National Trail Mix Day Alan Jay Lerner B om in 1918, New York Educator Maria M ontessori 's Birthday, 1870