Page 14 $3orf lanb (Observer August 28, 2013 Arts ' X FNTFD1 ENIEFÏAINMFNT Harris Photography Studio Located at 4545 NE MLK i_ ^ l ■ I cue M akin’ It Project Night and Listen­ ing Party - If your craft night is not providing free pizza, beer and a live DJ, then you need a new scene. Try M akin' It! A Listening Party and Project N ight in partnership with SC R A P and A D X on W ednesday, Aug. 28 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at ADX, 417 S.E. 11th Ave. Suggested $3-5 donation; all ages. O regon V oices — O regon V oices te lls O r e g o n ’s f a s c in a tin g h is to ry through the eyes and ears o f the people w ho lived it. T he new O regon H istorical Society exhibit dives into a diverse range o f subjects, from the d is­ placem ent o f m inority populations from urban d evel­ opm ent, to cycles o f boom and bust. O regon State F a ir —Food, entertainm ent, anim als and A friqu e B istro B enefit -- A frique B istro, 102 N.E. R ussell St., opens its doors each last Saturday o f the m onth to raise donations for the A frican W o m en ’s C oalition. G reat C aribbean and A frican m usic along with good drinks and fun people, 9 p.m . to 2:30 a.m. $ 10 at the door. (Blue & W hite Building behind the fence) Sunday is Family Day! Bring the family in for family portraits from 3:00pm to 6:00 Each Sunday! O regon B lack H istory — T he B lack M useum o f O r­ egon group m eets every Saturday, from 6 p.m . to 8 p.m . a t420 N.E. M ason. For m ore inform ation, call 503-284- 0617. Or call for appointment today m ore bring people from all over to the O regon State Fair, now underw ay through L abor D ay, M onday, Sept. 2. H undreds o f free and ticketed activities and perform ances offer som ething for everyone. L ive Ja zz — Every Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m . to 11 p.m ., the T hird D egrees L ounge at the R iv er Place H otel, 1510S .W . H arbor W ay. N o co v er or m inim um purchase. F o r m ore inform ation, visit p d x m . M el B row n Live - Portland ja z z giant M el B row n perform s at S alty ’s on the C olum bia every Friday and Saturday night. K now n as the “G entlem an o f Jazz,” B row n has a career spanning o v er 40 years. M usic M illen n iu m F ree S h ow s -- The M usic M illen ­ nium , 3158 E. B urnside, hosts in -h o u se live p erfo r­ m ances. E njoy free m usic and the op p o rtu n ity to m eet artists. C all 503-231 -8926 fo r a schedule. H um or N igh t -- A w esom e co m ed ian s perfo rm stand­ up, sketch, and m ore at the w eekly R ecurring H um or N ight every W ednesday night at T onic L ounge. 3100 N .E. Sandy B lvd. Pay as you w ish, $3-5 do n ation suggested. Show is 21+. 503-730-1156 Studio is also ready for Pet Portraits! ^God Will Provide ” l’ F l •f .i ?ÍZ '"ÏX* — .» T * I-!---- --- , JL.---- — •.*«! ------ ír !< N orm an S ylvester — B oogie C at N orm an Sylvester and his band plays T hursday, A ug. 29 at the L ehrer Pub; and Friday, A ug. 30 at R oadhouse 101. W üS" — r * F Pick up your CD at The Portland Observerfor$\W s I 11 S l i > r r < \ i i\v Fire and Ice -- U ncover fossils, draw prehistoric rep ­ tiles, and m uch m ore at the n a tio n ’s first exhibit fo ­ cused on dinosaur habitation fo r children “D inosaurs: Land o f Fire and Ice.” Located at the Portland C hildren’s M useum , 4015 S. W. C anyon R d ., the exhibit continues through Sept. 22. D isco u n t T ick ets -- L ocal lo w -in co m e fam ilies and individuals can purchase $5 tickets to classical m usi­ cal p erform ances in Portland as part o f a unique program called M usic fo r All. Participating o rg an iza­ tions include the O regon S ym phony, P o rtlan d O pera, O regon B allet T heater, C h am b er M usic N orthw est, P ortland Y outh P hilharm onic, P o rtlan d B aroque O r­ chestra, Friends o f C h am b er M usic, P ortland C h am ber O rchestra, Portland Piano International, P ortland Sym ­ phonic C hoir, C ap p ella R o m an a and P o rtlan d V ocal C onsort. will > i A. T h e Soulful Sh ow case -- B lacque B utterfly presents spoken w ord, live m usic and featured artists on the second and fourth T hursdays o f each m onth at 8 p.m. at E ’ N joni C afé, A frican-M editerranean cuisine at 910 N. K illingsw orth St. Saturday M orning Kids T heater - Traveling Lantern T heatre C om pany presents p erfo rm an ces fo r ch ild ren each Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at th e A r tis ts R e p e r to r y T h e a t e r ’s A ld e r S tr e e t L obby. T he fam ily-friendly perform ances are only $5 for all w ho attend over 5 years old and can be purchased at the door o r at O pen M ic - Curious Com edy, 5225 N.E. M artin Luther K ing Jr. B lvd., hosts a free night o f stand-up com edy every 2nd and 4th Sunday. O pen m ic com ics get three m inutes, and audience m em bers get a free sneak peak at P o rtlan d ’s up and com ing talent. Signups start at 8:30 p.m. Show starts at 9 p.m . M u m m ies o f the W orld -- T he n ationally reco g n ized M um m ies o f the W orld exhibition runs through Sept. 8 at the O M SI. T he astonishing collection o f m um m ies and related artifacts includes a 6 ,4 2 0 -y ear-o ld child m um m y from Peru dating 3,000 years before K ing Tut. F or m ore inform ation, visit O M S I.ed u . D iscou nt A d m ission — O M S I visitors pay only $2 per person for general adm ission on the first S unday o f each m onth as w ell as d iscounted adm ission o f $5 to the Planetarium , O M IM A X T heater and U SS B lueback subm arine.