Sl?t Iß orila nò (Observer Page 4 August 21, 2013 fo r/\ SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY National Ice Cream Sandwich Day Congress enacts first income tax in 1861 First Lincoln Penny Issued In 1909 National Mustard Day National Watermelon Day Columbus Set Sail on his 1st Voyage In 1492 9 10 1 Respect for Parents' Day Sport's Day Francis Scott Key Bom in 1779 M TV Debuted In 1981 4 5 • Australia Picnic Day Neil Armstrong bom in Ohio in 1930 Robert Bright bom, 1902 11 Play in the Sand Day Author Alex Haley's Birthday, 1921 The last total solar eclipse o f the millennium (1999) Kiss & Make Up Day 13 IBM PC Announced in 1981 Middle Children's Day Hawaii Annexed to the U.S. (1898) International Left- Hander's Day National Filet Mignon Day Fall o f the Aztec Empire, 1512 19 o National Aviation Day Bill Clinton B om in Hope, Arkansas in 1946 Orville Wright Bom in 1871 3 Rosemont Court Art Show & Sale Original works by participating artists 597N D ekum St, PDX 97217* 1-5 PM Barbara Cooney bom, 1917 Alfred Lord Tennyson bom, 1809 12 18 Bad Poetry Day Wizard ofO z Pre­ miered In 1939 Louis Fatio bom, 1904 6 7 W omen's Equality Day 8 Sea Serpent Day Betsy Byars bom, 1928 t> Alice Provensen bom, 1917 National Creamsicle Day Japan Surrendered in World W arll, 1945 20 National Radio Day Mosquito Day Vitus Bering discov­ ered Alaska in 1741 21 Wilt Chamberlain Bom in 1936 in Philadelphia, PA First Lincoln-Douglas Debate, 1858 ' 27 » 1 M other Teresa B om in 1910 14 28 Roger Duvoisin bom, 1904 Dream Day: Martin Luther King Jr. gave the 'I Have a Dream' speech in 1963 Thomas Edison received a patent fo r the mimeograph machine in 1876 15 Relaxation Day Julia Child B om in Pasadena, Califor­ nia in 1912 Transcontinental Railroad completed, 1869 22 National Rice Pudding Day Betty Boop Created in 1930 Smokey Bear's Birthday (1944) S'Mores Day Herbert Hoover Bom in 1874, in West Branch, Iowa 16 National Tell a Joke Day Roller Coaster Day Beatrice de Regniers bom, 1914 17 International Home­ less Animals Day Davy Crockett B om in Tennessee in 1786 23 24 Be An Angel Day Ann Franklin's Birthday (1762) First female newspaper editor First Photo­ graph o f Earth From the Moon Taken in 1966 First National Women's Rights Convention, 1850 International Strange Music Day Mount Vesuvius Erupted, 79 A.D In 1932, Amelia Earhart flew across the U.S 29 30 31 First Scout Camp Opened In 1934 M ichael Jackson Born in Gary, Indiana in 1958 Laurent de Brunhoff bom, 1925 Thurgood Marshall took a seat on the Supreme Court, 1967 National Trail Mix Day Alan Jay Lerner B om in 1918, New York Educator Maria M ontessori's Birthday, 1870 Special Goings-On Friendship Day (1st Sunday) National Clown Week (1st Week) Elvis Week (2nd Week) National Apple Week (2nd Week) National Smile Week (2nd Week) Air Conditioning Appreciation Week (3rd Week) American Dance Week (3rd Week) American Artist Appreciation Month Foot Health Month Home Business Month National Catfish Month National Golf Month National Inventors Month National Water Quality Month