Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 21, 2013, Page 3, Image 3

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    August 21, 2013
®lft ^orttani» (Observer
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Page 3
Fred Meyer
What's on your list today?.
photo by D onovan M . S mith /T he P ortland O bserver
Page 9
Lasha Harris, a younger cousin to Ivan ice “Ivy” Harris, the Portland woman murdered in Hawaii last
May, attends Saturday’s ‘Justice March for Ivy’ rally. About 60 supporters gathered at the
Hawthorne Bridge and marched downtown to call for justice and the prosecution of a U.S. Marine in
her death.
Justice March for Ivanice
Friends and family keep vigil on woman’s death
by D onovan M .
S mith
T he P ortland O bserver
i v
y I ■ ■ > 11 l i
" I
eled to the state to celebrate h er 29th
birthday w ith h er friend and long­
T hings got o ff to a late start at the tim e boyfriend, Portland-based rap ­
‘Justice M arch for Ivy ’ rally in dow n­ p er M ark M iles w ho goes by the
tow n P ortland S aturday, but the stage nam e “M eezilin i.”
sm all legion o f supporters w ere c e r­
H er suspected killer w as arrested
tainly seen and heard once things about a w eek after H a rris’ naked
got going.
body w as found dum ped in som e
Ivanice “Ivy” H arris o f Portland b ru sh . A u th o ritie s say she w as
w as fo u n d d ead ju s t o u tsid e o f stran g led .
Honolulu, Hawaii last M ay. She trav-
The suspect, N athaniel C osby,
38, is a U.S. M arine w ho has served
in the m ilitary since 1998.
T here is video o f the tw o to ­
gether the night o f h er d isap p ear­
ance. C o sb y ad m itte d that they
spent tim e to g eth er that night but
denies killing her, officials said. He
is being charged w ith second-de­
gree-m urder.
op page 16
Remembrances Pour in for Lee Perlman
Neighborhood stalwart was a community champion
by M ichael
L eighton
T he P ortland O bserver
C lassifieds
page 14
( f a c e b o o k .c o m /
LeePerlm anM em orial) to collect sto­
A ccolades and rem em brances are ries and photos o f P erlm an ’s d ed i­
pouring in for Lee Perlm an, a long­ cation to neighborhood new s, his
tim e Portland com m unity jo u rn alist w ry sense o f hum or, and dedication
and activist w ho died this m onth at to telling the otherw ise untold sto­
the age o f 64.
ries o f neighborhoods w orking to
T he N orth/N ortheast C oalition m ake the city a better place.
o f N eighborhoods has established
Portland M ayor C harlie H ales
p u b lic
p a g e called Perlm an a diligent com m unity
reporter “ w ho asked tough q u e s­
tions, but w as alw ays courteous.
“ H e w as deeply connected to the
c ity ’s neighborhoods. T his is a d if­
ficult loss for the com m unity,” Hales
P o rtla n d C ity C o m m is sio n e r
A m anda Fritz tw eeted, “ So sad that
on page 8