Page 12 :$Jortlanb OOhserucr August 21. 2013 Arts ' V FNFFFI IMII Harris Photography Studio Located at 4545 NE MLK (Blue & W hite Building behind the fence) Sunday is Family Day! Bring the family in for family portraits from 3:00pm to 6:00 Each Sunday! photo by K evin N oone Pigs at the Oregon State Fair. The annual event for food, entertainment, animals and more takes place at the state fairgrounds in Salem, opening Friday, Aug. 23 and running through Labor Day Weekend to Sept. 2. Oregon State Fair Opening Or call for appointment today 503-730-1156 Studio is also ready for Pet Portraits! “God Will Providp” Oregonians will come together Friday, Aug. 23 through Sept. 2 to enjoy carnival rides, fair food favor­ ites, competitions, entertainment, animals and more during the Oregon State Fair. Hundreds of free and tick­ eted activities and performances of­ fer something for everyone. A Celebration of Oregon Wines, Cuisine and Music - the first big event of fair begins at 4 p.m. Friday. Oregon wines will be paired with hors d’oeuvres prepared by Oregon chefs, with performances by the Libertine Belles and Pepe and the Bottle Blondes. Tickets are $35, which includes fair admission. Fair admission is the same as last year, $11 adults; $6 kids ages 6-12 and seniors; 5 and under free; and includes free entry to the Classic Cars, Blues, Brews and BBQ festi­ val, Aug. 24-25, and Harvestfest Aug. 31-Sept. 2, plus daily perfor­ MMMWMI mances on seven stages. Concert tickets can be purchased online at, and by phone at 877-840-0457 up to the day of the performance. On Monday, Aug. 26, kids 12 and younger get in to the fair Free from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. All rides and games are half off when purchased by 5 p.m. On Tuesday, Aug. 27 and Wednesday, Aug. 28, there are un­ limited carnival rides for $30. eMMHMMMMMMHUHHWnHSMMeMHeUMHHHem Final Frontier in Hecklevision Deschutes Brewery presents “Star Trek V: The Final' Frontier” at the Hollywood Theatre in northeast Portland on Friday, Aug. 23 at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $8. The special screening is presented in hecklevision. Through the magic of Mu VC hat technology, your jokes, heckles and commentary are encouraged - in text form! Tap out your wittiest wisecracks with your phone and they’ll appear instantly on screen! Upholstery Cleaning • Sofa/Loveseat • Pet Stains • Flood Restorations CARPÍ T CICANING A STÍAMÍR 5 0 3 -7 0 5 -2 5 8 7 |2 Rooms + Hall ■ Extra • rooms $10 I each with ^coupon. $49 9 5 I I 10 Years o f References Available Licensed • Bonded • Insured I Complete House ! 99 Up to JlOOOsq feet with coupon. 9 5 I 1 With Free Deodorizer i Carpet Cleaning Spot/Stain Removal • 24 Hour Flood Service Upholstery Cleaning • Area Rug Cleaning Dry Time 2-4 Hours • Free Estimates • Available Weekends