Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 21, 2013, Image 1

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    Great Jazz,
Blues and Pop
Table is set for
Vancouver Wine
and Jazz Festival
Justice March for Ivy
Friends and family keep
vigil on woman’s death
See Local News, page 3
See Metro, page 9
Volume XLIII
‘City 0/Roses’
Number 32
■ “4 www.c
Wednesday • August 21, 2013
U | LZ3
Established in 1970
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Com m itted to C ultural D iversity
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-Z * commun/tv service
Local leaders
say there’s still
work to do
for civil rights
D onovan M. S mith
T he P ortland O bserver
50 years ago, Dr. Rev. M artin Luther
King Jr. gave a defining speech for him ­
self, the Civil Rights M ovem ent, the
United States o f A m erica and the world.
When he spoke the words ‘I Have A
Dream ’ at the Lincoln Memorial in W ash­
ington, D.C., hundreds o f thousands of
people had gathered for a M arch on
W ashington for Jobs and Freedom. Nine
other speakers o f various backgrounds
spoke before the Aug. 28, 1963 crowd,
but it was K ing’s im passioned words
calling for equality among all people
that m ost rem ember.
Civil rights leaders, including the
Albina M inisterial Alliance, the N A ACP
o f Portland, Urban League o f Portland,
the ACLU o f Portland, am ong others,
have team ed up to com m em orate the 50
year anniversary with a m arch this com ­
ing Saturday in downtown Portland.
Tim ed to coincide with that national
event taking place in the nation’s capi­
tal, both events will focus on issues
such as the recent Supreme C o u rt’s re­
peal o f Section 4 o f the 1964 Voting
Rights Act, and the highly publicized
George Zim m erm an trial o f a Florida
neighborhood watch captain who shot
and killed an unarm ed A frican-A m eri­
can boy and was subsequently acquit­
“It’s interesting that in 2013 w e’re
dealing with many o f the same issues of
the past,” says Dr. Rev. LeRoy Haynes
Jr., who heads the Albina M inisterial
A lliance’s Coalition for Justjce and Po­
lice Reform. “Jobs, econom ic equity,
The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. at the Lincoln Memorial for his "/ Have a Dream" speech during the March on Washington for
Jobs and Freedom. The Aug. 28,1963 march was organized to support civil rights legislation, and end segregation and job
discrimination. (AP photo)
on page 2