August i4 .2013__________ ®i» ^Jortlanh (Pbserucr Diversity Special Edition Ultimate Engineering c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 11 that many reported working non­ stop until sunrise," said Gregg Meyer, a PCC civil and me­ chanical engineering instructor. Erica Lipski, 18, is an incom­ ing PCC student from Sunset High School in Beaverton who counts herself as one of those excited students. Lipski is in that demographic that Intel wants to encourage to keep going with of engineers hinders innovation and competitiveness in the glo­ bal economy and threatens the ability to create and keep high- tech jobs in the U.S. The Intel Ultimate Engineering Experience is part of the com pany's ex­ panded engineering internship program to reach that 40 per­ cent before they decide to leave the engineering field of study. "That's the biggest value," said 40-year-old Jeff Patterson, a It's giving me a broad spectrum o f what to expect fo r the different fields that I want to pursue. U pholstery C leaning • S ofa/L oveseat • Pet Stains • Flood R estorations CA RPII (ICANING A STEAMER 5 0 3 - 7 0 5 - 2 5 8 7 i2 Rooms + Hall ■ Extra I rooms $10 I each with 10 Years o f References Available ¡Complete House Licensed • Bonded • Insured Carpet Cleaning ! $0095 ! I Up to I lOOOsq feet l^with coupon. W Spot/Stain Removal • 24 Hour Flood Service Upholstery Cleaning • Area Rug Cleaning Dry Time 2-4 Hours • Free Estimates • Available Weekends ' With Free I Deoderizer | ----------------- 1 Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC -- Erica Lipski STEM-focused studies. She is testing the waters o f various engineering fields and her inter­ ests rest in robotics. When she was in the seventh grade she was on the first all-girl team that won Intel's state robotics cham ­ pionship and advanced to the world competition. "It's giving me a broad spec­ trum of what to expect for the different fields that I want to pursue," Lipski said. "I want to pursue robotics, but these past two weeks when we did pro­ gramming; it's gotten me into gaming." According to Intel, 40 percent of U.S. students leave engineer­ ing or change majors after the first year of college. A shortage Page 17 second-year computer science m ajor at the Sylvania Campus. "(The Experience) gives you skills and a metric to decide what to work on and see where you are in the process. It's giving me a focus, a boost and a lot of different perspectives." PCC's partnering with Intel is nothing new. The two have a longstanding partnership that has developed the college's Micro­ electronics Technology Program, which was bom 20 years ago out of Intel's need for highly trained manufacturing technicians that could be educated and hired lo­ cally. To date, hundreds of PCC graduates, produced by many of the college's technical programs, are filling that need for Intel. Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 (503) 284-7838 Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for nearly 20 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 We are located on the corner ofM LK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. JUNE Russell «200 I Sure, you may be thinking that summer is just beginning but that means it is the right time to begin thinking ahead about the coming school year. The Portland Observer invites our partners, friends and readership to have a look at our new website at and join us in our upcoming special edition. The ad deadline fo r the Back-To-School special edition is August 23, 2013, run date August 28, 2013. Please send your inserts and display ads over to us by PDF, word or jpg before the deadline. ^"^¡Llort birth (Dhseruer an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Send email to PO Box 3137 Portland, Oregon 97208 • Phone (503) 288-0033 • Fax (503) 288-0015