Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 07, 2013, Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2
August 7, 2013
Wall-Street Costine Middle
Portland, OR - Oregon Senator Jeff
Merkley, Congressman Earl Blumenauer
and Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici
visited Hopworks Brewery on Tuesday
to call attention to Wall Street specula­
tion in commodity markets that is driving
up the prices of aluminum, copper, gas,
and electricity. This speculation is in turn
raising the prices of everyday products
that middle-class families use, including
beer cans, home improvement products
that contain copper and even gas for
“N othing gets an O regonian m adder
than m essing with our O regon beer,
and th a t’s ju st w hat W all Street is
doing,” said M erkley. “We ca n ’t let
W all Street get aw ay with ram pant
speculation in com m odity m arkets that
in turn hurts our m iddle class fam ilies
and our O regon brew ers. T h at’s why
I’m calling on our federal regulators to
rein in this sp ecu lation. F am ilies
shouldn’t have to pay a speculation
‘ta x ’ at the pum p, the hom e repair
store and the beer aisle.”
“1 will continue working with Senator
Merkley and Congresswoman Bonamici
to shine a light on runaway speculation,”
said Blumenauer. “This unregulated
gambling does little to serve the broader
economy while burdening American fami­
lies who have already suffered at the
hands of Wall Street’s reckless behav­
“Small businesses are an important
part of our economy and our com muni­
ties. it’s alarming to learn that com mod­
ity speculation is driving up costs for our
local businesses," said Bonamici. "Fed­
eral regulators need to prevent these
rising costs by moving quickly to enforce
the Dodd Frank reforms, and members
of Congress should be fighting attempts
to undermine implementation through
funding cuts and piecemeal repeal. We
should be doing all we can to help families
and small businesses in Oregon and across
the country."
During a Senate Banking committee
hearing two weeks ago, major beer manu­
facturers testified about how the alumi­
num market has drastically changed over
the past few years driving aluminum
prices up through a convoluted exchange
and warehouse system. This has re­
sulted in long wait times to acquire alumi­
num and an increased price.
Today, M erkley, B lum enauer and
Bonamici joined together to send a letter
to financial regulators calling on them to
take the necessary steps to end the specu­
lation driving up the prices for middle-
class families.
Week ¡n
the Review
Woman In the NFL
data about the red-planet in hopes o f giving
scientists a better understanding of it.
40-year-old Sarah Tho­
mas made history on
Thursday by becoming
the first woman to ref­
eree a game in the NFL.
The accom plishm ent
came when Thomas of­
ficiated a San Diego
C h arg ers p reseaso n
Fatal Fall at Green Peter
19-year-old M ichael Stab o f Silverton, OR
fell into the Green Peter R eservoir on Fri­
day killing the man. Stab’s body was re­
covered by rescue divers on Saturday
m orning around 1 am.
Infernos Rage On
Over 40,000 acres have been scorched by
wildfires in Oregon this summer. Nearly 4,500
firefighters continue to combat the flames
across the state. Gov. John Kitzhaber has
declared 2013 as touted this as the worst fire
season in a decade.
Terrence Jones
F orm er Jefferso n
High School basket­
ball star and current
H ouston R o ck ets
A-Rod Suspended
player was arrested
Following allegations of consuming perfor­
around 2 a.m. o
Wednesday. Police
mance enhancing drugs, star New York Yan­
kee third-baseman Alex Rodriguez along with
are accusing Jones
12 other players were suspended by the MLB of yelling at a homeless man and then stomp-
for 211 games on Tuesday. Rodriguez contin­ ing on his leg. Jones was charged with ha-
ues to deny any wrongdoing.
rassment on Tuesday and plead ‘not guilty’.
Armed 14-Year-0ld Killed
M ars rover, ‘C u rio s ity ’
One Year on Mars
NASA’s rover named ‘Curiosity’ has been
on the planet Mars for one year as on August
5. The rover is currently in space collecting
A police officer in New York fatally shot a 14-
year-old boy after the boy refused to drop his
pistol on Sunday. The deceased has been
identified as Shaaliver Douse; it is being
reported that he died of a single gunshot to
the jaw.
Be safe
Stay o ff the tracks
Tri M et a n d Trainer Chris F.
w a n t y o u to travel safely
JJort lanb (Obstrurr
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