Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 07, 2013, Page 14, Image 14

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    ÿortlauh (Observer
Page 14
August 7, 2013
New Prices
May 1,2010
PRoSPEeTS.^ Tut pfewT aoa W t
Carpet & Upholstery
Residential &
Commercial Services
Minimum Service CHG
A sm all distance/trave, charge
m ay be applied
2 Cleaning Areas or
more $30.00 Each Area
Pre-Spray Traffic Areas
(Includes: 1 small Hallway)
1 Cleaning Area (only)
Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area
(Hallway Extra)
Stairs (12-16 stairs - With
O ther Services)-. $25.00
Area/Oriental Rugs:
$25.00 Minimum
Area/Oriental Rugs (Wooly.
$40.00 M i nimum
Heavily Soiled Area:
Additional $10.00 each area
(Requiring ExtensivePre-Spraying)
Sofa: $69.00
Loveseat: $49.00
Sectional: $109- $139
Chair or Recliner
$25 - $49
Throw Pillows (With
th *
Other Services)'. $5.00
Fuss over Iran: Just Follow the Oil
Concerns have a
lot to with its
natural gas and
oil reserves
• Area & Oriental Rug
• Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning
• Deodorizing & Pet
Odor Treatment
• Spot & Stain
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Call for Appointment
(503) 281-3949
by E mily
S chwartz G reco and
W illiam A . C ollins
L ike the U nited States and m o st
oth er w orld pow ers, Iran foolishly
w ants to be in the n uclear p o w er
business. A tom s offer energy d i­
versity and national prestige, plus a
lot o f b ucks for som ebody.
T h ere are plenty o f en v iro n m en ­
tal and safety reaso n s to oppose the
c o n s tr u c tio n a n d o p e ra tio n o f
n u clear reactors. K ey am ong them
is the fact that th e re ’s no proven
safe system to d ispose o f o r store
the hig h ly rad io activ e w aste they
B ut th a t’s not w hat m akes W ash ­
ington object. T he O bam a ad m in is­
tration loves n u clear p o w er and is
angling to get m ore reactors built on and it’s starting to look like efforts
o u r ow n soil. O ur g o v ern m en t’s to enforce the sanctions in Europe
concern is that Iran ’s n uclear pow er are hitting legal roadblocks.
is ju s t a convenient co v er fo r its
T h e re ’s a chance that things w ill
aspiration to acquire nuclear w eap ­ soon ap p ear less intractable. Irani­
o n s.
ans recently elected a new p resi­
T h is skepticism isn ’t u n reaso n ­ dent, H assan R ouhani, w ho experts
able. A fter all, Iran ranks as the deem ed to be the m ost “m o d erate”
w o rld ’s second-largest natural gas c a n d id a te . H e ta k e s o ffic e th is
reserv o ir and it’s got the p la n e t’s m onth.
fourth-largest proven oil reserves,
So there co u ld be som e reason to
according to U.S. governm ent e sti­ stop considering the potential for
m ates.
that kind o f carnage. B ut th e re ’s no
Israel claim s that if Iran w ere to w ay to end Ira n ’s status as a U .S.
a c q u ire n u c le a r w e a p o n s , th e y foreign policy priority.
w ould be directed its way, and there­
W hat ex actly is at stake?
fore, th e re ’s no choice but to m ull
T he an sw er is the sam e as w ith
the bom bing o f Iran ’s n u clear o p ­ Iraq, Libya, and V enezuela. T h ey ’ve
erations. A n attack by Israel, w hich all got oil and gas, and the U nited
itse lf p ossesses nuclear w eapons, S tates w ants as m uch access to
on Iran co u ld unleash regional m ay ­ th eir fossil fuels as possible.
O ur leaders d o n ’t relish o ccu p a­
W hile probably less devastating tion. T hey ju s t w ant to en su re that
than a military strike on Iran’s nuclear o u r co n su m ers and com panies can
facilities, the U .S.-led U N sanctions obtain all the oil they w ish to co n ­
against Iran fo r its nuclear efforts sum e, and that A m erican oil co m p a­
are p roving brutal, depriving a v er­ nies can suck up all the profits they
age Iranians o f p rescrip tio n and can guzzle.
o v er-th e-co u n ter drugs. Inflation is
Iran, after all, is the land w here oil
raging and the quality o f life in Iran and foreign policy first p o oled to ­
is declining across the board.
gether. A fter seven years o f search ­
M eanw hile, som e scholars are ing for oil in w hat used to be called
d e b a tin g w h e th e r the sa n c tio n s Persia, W illiam Knox D’ A rcy, a Brit­
actually constitute an act o f w ar, ish en trep ren eu r, found black gold
there in 1908. H is disco v ery o ffi­
cially turned the M iddle E ast into an
oil hotspot, a fate from w hich the
reg io n has yet to recover.
In the early 1950s, Iran elected
M o h am ed M o ssed eg h p resident.
He w as a pro g ressiv e and popular
po litician w ho w anted Iran to take
control o f its ow n oil and becom e a
great nation.
W ash in g to n had oth er plans. In
1953 the C IA engineered a co u p that
o u sted M o ssad eg h and in stalled
the Shah, w ho ensured that U .S. and
B ritish oil co m p an ies co u ld resum e
their siphoning aw ay o f the Iranian
oil in d u stry ’s profits. Iranians have
hated o u r go v ern m en t e v er since. In
1979, they ch u ck ed the Shah and
erad icated the last traces o f foreign
influence o v er th eir oil fields.
F o r p erspective, ju s t rem em ber
W atergate and its them e, “F ollow
the M o n ey .” In the M iddle East, our
national m odus operandi is sim ply
“ Follow the O il.”
Emily Schwartz Greco is the
managing editor o f OtherWords, a
non-profit national editorial ser­
vice run by the Institute for Policy
Studies. OtherWords columnist
William A. Collins is a former state
representative and a former mayor
o f Norwalk, Conn.