August 7, 2013 ®lp ^lorilanb (Dbserurr Page 13 King T h e H oly C h ristian O rth o d o x C hurch has nom inated Rev. Dr. M ar­ tin Luther King Jr. to be nam ed a Saint in the C hristian Church. M em bers o f the H oly C hristian O rthodox C hurch (H C O C) have roots ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I in Catholic, Evangelical and Pente­ costal branches o f the C hristian faith. T he H C O C will subm it the nom ina­ tion for canonization to the W orld Bishops C ouncil soon to being the p ro cess. HHHHM In Loving Memory en em y territory and he w as very pro u d o f this. W hile in the arm y he continued his b o xing career. H e was h o norably discharged in 1968. H e becam e an E lectronic Specialist and w elder. H e w orked for the H o y t H otel, H yster, and G u n d erso n an d later w ent on to C h arles E dw ard L aw rence (Ed) w as b o m D ecem ber 10,1946to the late V iola Law rence- M oore and the late C larence Sm ith in P o rt­ land, O R . H e w as raised by his m o th er and father, Julius M oore. H e atten d ed B oise E l­ em en tary School and g rad u ­ ated from G rant H igh School in 1964. W hile in school, Ed w as a m em b er o f the S afety Patrol team and he took this jo b seri­ o u sly . country. H e fought in the V ietnam W ar, 101 st a R om an C atholic, but o ur church body, which w as full apostolic suc­ cession can present him to the entire C hristian faith to be venerated on A pril 44th, the date o f his assassina­ tion,” stated current president o f said council A rchbishop T im othy Paul. The H C O C has nominated Dr. King along w ith several other nam es in­ cluding Rev. O ral R oberts, B ishop C harles H arrison M asons, and Rev. Richard Allen. HHMHHME Infantry A ir B orne S cream ing E agles, w here he w as a ju m p er. H e w ould parachute into the C h a r le s E d w a r d L a w r e n c e W hile sm all in stature he w as not one to be m essed w ith. H e b o xed at K nott S treet C o m m u ­ nity C enter (now M att D ishm an C o m m u n ity C en ter), an d at M ontavilla C om m unity C enter he becam e a g olden glove boxer. H is b o xing took h im to boxing m atches th ro u g h o u t O r­ egon, W ashington, Idaho. H e w as co u n ted w ith the best a nd b o xed w ith T h a d Spencer, Jody H arris, R ay L am pkin, Jo h n H ow ard, T o m m y Jacobs and m any others. In 1965 he vo lu n teered for the draft. T h e reaso n he v olunteered w as so that his b roth ers w ouldn't be drafted and so he co u ld fig h t fo r th eir “Dr. King was a Catholic because he inspired the universal C hurch, he was Evangelical because o f his B ap­ tist roots, and he was charism atic. The R om an Catholic C hurch cannot m ake him a saint because he was not follow in his fa th e r’s path to b e co m e lo n g sh o re m en . Ed and his b ro th er Jerry decided to try th eir hand at starting tw o b u s in e s s e s , L a w re n c e G eneral C ontractors and ajani- torial business, both o f w hich clo sed . C h arles g rew u p in the church. H e w as a m em b er at M t. Sinai B ap tist C om m unity C hurch u n d er the late Rev. C hester C heeks and Rev. L eonard L. R anson, w here he gave his life to the Lord. H is g ran d ­ parents and great g randparents w ere M in is­ ters, D eacons, D eaconess and M aso n s too. H e lo v ed to read, you co u ld alw ays find him w ith a book, and he loved to spend tim e w ith his g ran d d au g h ter N ev ah a G reely. N evaha and P aw P aw E d w ould eat cookies and he w o u ld educate h e r as a g ran d fath er w ould. H is great passion w as history, you co u ld ask him ju s t ab o u t anything in history and he had an answ er fo r you if he didn't, give h im som e tim e and he w ould get back to y ou w ith an answ er. H e loved to challenge you about the w ord o f G o d and w hat he had learned from the bible. H e w as m arried tw ice before m eetin g his current w ife o f 31 years R eva G rier-Law rence. O ur b elo v ed Ed is survived by his w ife R eva M ae; father, Julius M oore; siblings, R obert o f H ou sto n ,T X , Jerry, R u b y Lee “N u n u ” (W illiam “H e av y ”), B arb ara H arry- Bell, Julius M oore Jr., R ena' (C arland), Lolita, O scar, C alv in , and L arry C asey all o f P o rt­ land, O R ; A u n t G eo rg ia M axine P ay to n o f S acram en to ,C A ; ch ild ren , D en a (Jam es), Sharon, C harles E d w ard Jr. (D iana), D avid, C leo ‘T o n y ”(M elody), Troy, R onnie, Catrina, T am iko, E d w ard “ E d d ie”(S arah), T arana, Julian, B rent, A n d rea C andice L aw rence, V anessiaC raw ford, Laverne Ballard, and Earl “ D ino” G rier (S herri); 38 grandchildren; 12 great grandchildren; and a host o f nieces, nephew s and cousins. H e is preceeded in death by his m other, V iola M oore; father, C larence Sm ith; G rand­ parents, Jennie and H erm an Jones and G eorge L a w re n c e ; and so n B ria n Ballard. Installing A Principal T he new p rin cip al o f n o rth east P o rtlan d ’s T rinity L u th eran School w ill be installed on Sunday, A ugust 18. T he p o sitio n w ill be filled by Joy M u eller w ho has taught in various states across the country. A lo n g ­ side h er h u sb an d R ev. Paul M u eller w ho h im se lf oversees the C en ter fo r A pplied L utheran L eadership at C o n co rd ia U niver­ sity , have served in a ran g e o f A frican co u n tries fo r 10 years w ith the church. Thechurch,located at5520NEKillingsworth will first begin w orship services at 8:30 a.m. follow ed by another at 11 a.m. R ev. M ueller w ill preach the at both instal­ lation services. T rinity L utheran has been serving stu ­ dents p re-school through eighth grades w ith ch allen g in g curriculum inspired by C h ris­ tianity since 1891. F o r m o re inform ation on the event, visit T rin ity P o rtlan d .o rg install T erry F amily PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # 2 0 1 3 - 1 6 9 3 A rchitectural and Engineering C onsultant Services NewFaubion PK-8 M aster R a n (with Concordia University College of Education) PROPOSALS DUE AUGUST 2 7 , 2 0 1 3 AT 2 : 0 0 PM FUNERAL HOME ANNIVERSARY PUBLIC OPENING AUGUST 2 7 , 2 0 1 3 AT 2 : 0 5 PM PREARRANGEMENT SPECIALS Portland Public Schools, School District No. U , Multnomah County, seeks written Proposals from qualified firms to provide A rch itec­ $250 Discount for Traditional Funeral/Cremation Services $100 Discount for Simple Cremation Or Transfer your prearrangement to us and receive a Free Video Tribute valued at $250 added to your preplanned funeral. Advanced planning can ease the stress on family members before the need arises. It offers individuals a chance to make sound and informed decisions regarding one's wishes and instructions to be followed at the time of death. Pre-paying for services also guarantees today's cost of services, merchandise and gives families peace of mind. 'Mention this ad for discount. Offer expires 9/1/13. Prearrangements are funded and money held with Funeral Director's Life Insurance Company and will be paid to the funeral home upon death of policy holder. Call to set up an appointment 5 0 3 -2 4 9 -1 7 8 8 2337 N. Williams Avenue Portland, Oregon 97227 tural and Engineering Consultant Services for New Faubion PK-8 M aster R a n (w ith Concordia University C ollege o f Education ). One pre-proposal conference will be held on August 12,2013, in the W yEa st-Ll Conference Room, located at 5 0 1 N. Dixon Street, Portland, Oregon 97227. Attendance is optional. Portland Public Schools conducts such meetings in order to clarify information provided in the RFP and to provide interested proposers an oppor­ tunity to ask questions about the RFP. Sealed Proposals, in an envelope clearly listing the vendor name and Proposal title, will be received by Kimberley Murrell, Senior Contract Analyst at: Bid Desk, Purchasing & Contracting, Blanchard Education Service Center, 501 N. Dixon St, Portland OR 97227, not later than 2:00 PM, August 27, 2013. The Request for Proposals documents may be obtained at the ORPIN website, Firms must be registered with ORPIN to obtain and download documents; registration is at no cost. Contract terms, conditions and Specifications may be re­ viewed at the Purchasing & Contracting Department, 5 0 1 N. Dixon Street, Portland Oregon, 97227. For additional information about this project, please contact the Purchasing Contact, Kimberley Murrell, at 503.916.3804, or email at