Portland (Obstruer Page 12 Upholstery Cleaning • Sofa/Loveseat • Pet Stains • Flood Restorations A u g u s t 7, 2013 © PORT OF PORTLAND L egal N otices Possibility. In every direction? CAREER OPPORTUNITIES The Port of Portland is a regional gov­ ernm ent entity op eratin g airports, m arine te rm in a ls and in dustrial parks in the greate r Portland m et­ ropolitan area. O ur m ission is to e n h a n c e th e re g io n ’s e c o n o m y and q uality o f life by p roviding effi­ cient cargo and air p assen ger ac­ cess to national and global m ar­ kets. CMPCT CUMING l S T IM M 5 0 3 -7 0 5 -2 5 8 7 |2 Rooms uns + Hall n a il I ■ Extra I rooms $10 I each with poupon. $4995 I Complete House I I Up to j 5 9 9 J lOOOsq feet with coupon. J “I 95' With Free I Deodorizer | I 10 Years o f References Available I Carpet Cleaning To view cu rrent jo b op en ings and to a p p ly fo r open p ositions visit th e P o r t ’s w e b s it e at w w w .p ortofportlan d.com . Spot/Stain Removal • 24 Hour Flood Service Upholstery Cleaning • Area Rug Cleaning Dry Time 2-4 Hours • Free Estimates • Available Weekends Need to publish a co u rt docu­ m ent o r notice? Need an affi­ da vit o f publication q uickly and e fficien tly? Please fax or e-m ail your notice for a free price quote! The Port of Portland is an A/\/EEO em ployer com m itted to w orkforce d iversity and affirm ative action. Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classlfleds@portlandobserver.com Licensed • Bonded • Insured Th e Portland O bserver CITY OF VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON INVITATION TO BID PEARSON HELD AIRPORT FOG SEAL PROJECT N otice is hereb y given th a t the C ity of Vancouver, W a sh in g-d o n , will receive sealed bids up to the hour o f 11:00 A.M ., Pacific Local Tim e, Thursday, August 22,2013, and publicly opened and read aloud at th a t tim e on the sam e da y in th e V a n cou ver C ity Hall, 415 W 6th St, Vancouver, W ashington, for the follow in g: Postal Service: City o f Vancouver, Attn: P rocurem ent S e rvice s, PO Box 1995, Van cou ver W A 98668. It is the C o n tractor’s resp onsibility to allow enough tim e fo r de live ry to occur before the de signated tim e. Bids delivered to locations other than as indicated above or received after th e designated tim e will not be accepted. Bids submitted via FAX or email will not be accepted. Th e C ity o f V a n cou ver in a ccord ance with Title VI of th e Civil Rights A ct o f 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2 000d to 2 0 0 0 d -4 and Title 49, C ode o f Federal R egula­ The Pearson Field Airport Fog Seal project consist of, but is not limited to, tions, D e pa rtm en t o f Transportation, subtitle A, O ffice o f th e S e cre ­ crack repair and sealing of Runway 8-26, taxiways, aprons, ramps and t- tary, Part 21, nondiscrim ination in federally assisted program s o f the hangertaxi lanes; crack repair and sealingof the t-hanger aprons; fog seal of D epartm en t o f Tra nsportation issued p ursuant to such Act, hereby Runway 8-26, taxiways, aprons, ramps and t-hangar taxi lanes; replacement notifies all bidders th a t it will affirm atively insure th a t in an y contract of existing markings; replacement of fifteen guidance sign panels; and re­ entered into p u rsu a n t to this ad vertisem ent, disad vantaged busi­ placement of existing wind cone per the plans and specifications. ness e n terp rises will be afforded full op po rtu n ity to su b m it bids in An optional pre-bid conference will be held on Wednesday, August 14,2013 response to this invitation and will not be discrim inated a ga in st on at 10:00 am in the Aero Maintenance Lobby located at 1115 East 5th Street, the ground s o f race, co lo r o r national origin in co nside ration fo r an aw ard. Th e requirem ents o f 49 CFR Part 26, R egulations o f the U.S. Vancouver WA. Contractors are strongly encouraged to attend. D epartm en t o f Transportation, ap ply to this contract. All firm s quali­ B idding docum ents m ay be exam ined in O w n e r’s office, V a n cou ver fyin g und er this solicitation are encouraged to su b m it bids. C ity Hall, 415 W 6th St, Van cou ver W ashington. B id ding d o cum e nts m ay be obtained from the Builder’s Exchange of W ashington website, The City o f Van cou ver is com m itted to p roviding equal op portunities h ttp ://b xw a .co m . C lick on Posted Projects, Public W orks, C ity o f to S ta te o f W a sh in g to n c e rtifie d M in o rity, D is a d v a n ta g e d a n d V a n co u ve r and P rojects B idding links. These are ava ilable fo r view ­ W om en's Business Enterprises in contracting activities. (Section 4 of ing, do w n load in g and printing at yo u r own equipm ent fre e o f charge. C h a pter 56, Laws o f 1 9 7 5 ,1 s t Ex. Sess., S tate o f W ashington). You m ay also link to the B uild er’s Exchange w ebsite through th e City C o n tra ctor shall registe r and e n te r into a M em orand um o f U nder­ o f V a n co u ve r’s Projects C urrently out fo r Solicitation p a ge . sta n d in g (M 0 U ) w ith th e D epartm en t o f H om eland S e cu rity E-Verify It is the sole responsibility o f the Bidder to learn o f Add en dum , if any. Such inform ation m ay be obtained from the B u ild er’s Exch an ge of W a sh in gto n (B XW A ) w e b site, h ttp ://b xw a .c o m . C lick on Posted Projects, Public W orks, C ity o f V a n cou ver and Projects B id din g links; h ow e ver the sole resp onsibility for ob ta in in g and lea rn in g of A d d e n ­ dum belongs to the Bidder. The City o f Van cou ver accepts no respon­ sib ility o r liability and will provide no accom m od ation to bidd ers w ho fail to check for a d de nd um s and su b m it inadequate or in co rrect re­ sp on se s. Bids shall be in acco rd ance with th e sp ecifica tio n s and oth e r con­ tra ct docum ents on file in Procurem ent Se rvice s, phone (3 6 0 ) 487- 8 4 3 0 . Bid results m ay be obtained w ithin 24 hours a fte r th e bid o p en in g by a cce ssin g ou r w ebsite. Bids are to be subm itte d to P rocu rem en t Se rvice s on th e fo rm s pro­ vided fo r this purpose. Please se le ct one o f th e fo llo w in g op tion s for delivery o f th e proposal. The outside of all envelopes must list the project name and bid number. For hand d e live ry or d e live ry via a co u rier service, please use the follo w in g address: V a n cou ver City Hall - C u sto m er Service, Attn: Pro­ cu re m en t Se rvice s, 415 W 6th St, V an cou ver W A 9 8 660. Please address the envelope as follow s fo r bids to be delivered by US program w ithin sixty (60) da ys a fter execution o f this A gre em ent. C o n tra c to r shall e n su re all C o n tra c to r e m p lo ye e s and a n y su b ­ c o n tra c to rs ) assigned to perform w ork under this A gre e m e n t are eligible to w ork in the United S tates. C o n tra ctor shall provide verifi­ cation o f com pliance upon C ity request. Failure by C o n tra cto r to co m p ly with this subse ction shall be considered a m aterial breach. All bid p roposals m u st be acco m pa n ie d by a bid proposal d e p o sit in ca sh ie r's check, o r su re ty bond in an am o u n t equal to five p ercent (5 % ) o f the a m o u n t o f such bid proposal. S h ould the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory perfor­ m ance bond w ithin th e tim e stated in the sp ecifications, th e bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to th e City o f Vancouver. The C ity o f Vancouver, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to cancel this invitation o r reject a n y and all bids subm itted or to w aive an y m inor form alities if the best interests of the City would be served. B idders m ay not alter th e ir bid prices after the hour set fo r the open­ ing thereof, unless th e aw ard o f contract is delayed m ore than forty- five (45) days. The C ity reserves the right to req uest an extension of bid prices du ring the review process. M e tro Venues Policy Project Coordinator, Council Office, $ 5 2 ,3 3 9 - $71,190 annually. D eadline: 0 8 /1 5 /1 3 Th is op p o rtu n ity is open to First Opportunity Target Area (FOTA) resi­ dents - Colum bia Blvd on the north; 42nd Ave on the east; the Banfield F re ew a y on the south, an d North C h a u ta u q u a B lvd on th e w e st, w h ose total annual incom e does not exceed $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 as an indi­ vidual, o r $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r an entire h o u s e h o ld , f o r th e p a s t 12 m onths. To a p p ly: v is it o u r w e b s ite at: www.oregonm etro.gov/iobs for the co m plete jo b a n n ou n cem en t and a link to o u r online hiring ce n ter or visit ou r lobby kiosk at M etro, 600 NE G rand Ave, P ortlan d. AA/EEO Employer Job Opportunities W e are s e e k in g q u a lified ca n d i­ da tes to be part o f ou r dynam ic public se rvice organization. AUTOPSY ASSISTANT PART-TIME $ 1 9 .0 6 - $ 2 5 .5 5 / H r ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST II $24.32 - $ 2 9 .6 3 / H r JOURNEY LEVEL ELECTRICIAN $ 3 1 .3 6 / H r Clark C o u n ty H um an R esources 1300 Franklin St-5 th FI V a n co u ve r W A Apply On-line Kevin Yin P rocurem ent Services M anager @ w w w .cla rk.w a.gov Relay: (800) 8 3 3 -6 3 8 8 EOE