Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 07, 2013, Page 11, Image 11

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    August 7, 2013
®'* ÿortlaiiô (Observer
Showdogs is a full service salon. We do
baths, all over hair cuts, tooth brushing,
nail trims, soft claws, flea treatments, mud
baths, and ear cleaning. We also have
health care and grooming products to
keep your pet clean in between visits.
Show Dogs
Grooming Salon & Boutique
926 N. Lombard
Portland, OR 97217
Flicks by the Fountain
The City of Beaverton invites the community to its 10th annual Hicks by the Fountain beginning
Friday, Aug. 2. The family-friendly outdoor movie series will be held each Friday night through August
at Beaverton City Park, Southwest Fifth Street and Hall Boulevard. The series opens with the movie
The Lorax.
Ihesday-Saturday 9am-7pm
Monday 10am-4pm
Yo dawg is gonna look like a show dawg
and your kitty will be pretty.
Student-Led Book Published
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A L IT E R A R Y * '
R o o sev elt H igh School in north P o rtlan d is celeb ratin g a y e a r o f
h ard w o rk b y stu d en ts and volunteers as it lau n ch es its first book.
S tu d en t-led U nique Ink has p u b lish ed W h ere th e R oses Sm ell the
B est, a literary co m p an io n to P o rtlan d that is filled w ith short stories,
v ignettes, and p oem s about the places, p eo p le, and lifestyles o f
T he b o o k includes w ork fro m R oosevelt students alongside local
authors such as B rian D oyle, K im S tafford, Steve D uin, R enee
M itchell and P aulann Petersen.
U nique Ink is a student-staffed p u b lish er b ased out o f R oosevelt
H igh S c h o o l’s W riting and Publishing C en ter that w as established
in 2012.
V olunteers at the cen ter teach publishing to h ig h school students
to im p ro v e th eir skills in business, editing, and m arketing. T hrough
the c e n te r’s u nique hands-on approach, students learn about the
p u b lish in g industry by publishing and selling th eir ow n books.
Proceeds from b o o k sales w ill help R o o sev elt’s publishing cen ter
stay self-sustaining and continue to be a valuable resource to the
s tu d e n ts.
Dive-In Movies at Aquatic Center
W hat better w ay to spend a su m ­
m er evening than floating in the big
pool at M t. H ood C om m u n ity C o l­
lege w hile w atching fam ily m ovies
on the big screen?
T h e M H C C A q u a tic C e n te r
D iv e -In M o v ie S p e c ial re tu rn s on
F rid a y s in A u g u st. A t s u n s e t,
aro u n d 7 :15 p .m ., fa m ilie s an d
frien d s a re w e lco m e to sp e n d tim e
flo a tin g , sp la sh in g an d sw im m in g sw im : $5 fo r adults, $3.75 for ch il­
in the c o lle g e ’s 5 0 -m e te r O ly m p ic dren 18 and y o u n g er and seniors. O r
siz e p o o l.
bring the entire fam ily for the special
F am ily fav o rites w ill be played Friday ev en in g open sw im rate o f
on the electric scoreboard fo r view ­ $ 15 for up to six m em bers o f a house­
ers o f all ages. Join the fun at ““E s­ hold.
cap e from P lanet E arth” on A ug. 9,
F o r m ore inform ation or to learn
“C ars 2” on A ug. 16 and “ Finding about sw im m ing and w ater fitness
N e m o ” on A ug. 30.
classes, visit m h cc.ed u /aq u atics or
P rices are the sam e as fo r open call503-491-7243.
Excellent Care
Funeral Services
One Stop Funeral Center Now-Open...
Get the best package in Portland for burial.
Everything you need all in one building.
• Consultation
• M inister
• Large Sanctuary
upon request
and Balcony
Parking Available
• Cremation
Limousine Service
• Provided Hearst
Large Kitchen
Location: 126 NE Alberta St.
On the corner of Mallory and Alberta
2 blocks West of MLK, Jr., Blvd
Call now (503) 995-8442