Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 24, 2013, Page 7, Image 7

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    July 24, 2013
¡Portiani» CObaeruer
L a W&J i ISTIC.F,
Page 7
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photo by
D onovan M. S mith /T he P ortland O bserver
Les Shannon of Portland dons a hoodie and displays a picket sign at a rally near the downtown
federal courthouse. The protest came after civil rights leader Al Sharpton called for a national day of
action following the verdict in the George Zimmerman murder trial.
‘Justice for Trayvon’
residents join
call for action
by D onovan
M. S mith
T he P ortland O bserver
A fter the recent verdict in the
George Zim m erm an murder trial, civil
rights lead er A l S harpton called fo r
a nationw ide-day o f protest. S atu r­
day, a large group o f Portland resi­
dents heeded the call.
C om m unity leaders and the orga­
nization “C am paign to E nd the N ew
Jim C ro w ” organized the local p ro ­
test, draw ing upw ards o f 250 people
to the M ark O H atfield Federal C ourt­
house. T here w ere calls fo r civil
rights to get law fully recognized
and acts o f police brutality to get
duly punished.
Speakers in clu d ed co m m u n ity
activists JoA nn H ardesty, the R ev.
L eroy H aynes, P o rtlan d C opw atch
activist D an H andelm an, the father
o f K eaton O tis w hose son w as shot
23 tim es by Portland police, Fred
B ryant and a host o f others.
T h e p e o p le th en to o k to the
streets fo r a peaceful m arch in the
heart o f dow ntow n P ortland, briefly
interfering w ith traffic. N o arrests
w ere m ade.
A t the en d o f the event, H ardesty
pledged that there w ould be m ore
dem onstrations to com e in the w ake
In Loving Memory
Mark Anthony
Services for M ark A nthony
M cD onald will be held
Thursday, July 25 at 11 a.m.
at Life Change Christian
Center, 3635 N. W illiams Ave.
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