Page 6 ______________________________ ®»i* SUNDAY MONDAY 14 © Bam Day Second Sunday in July. Bastille Day 16 First Boeing 707 Flew In 1954. Forgetful Jones' Birthday (Sesame Street Character) Apollo 11 Lifts Off on it's voyage to the moon in 1969 22 Pied Piper of Hamelin Day 28 3 Natalie Babbitt bom, 1932 Ernie's Birthday (Sesame Street Character) First Fingerprint taken TUESDAY 15 21 o National Junk Food Day Fortiani» (Observer___________________ THURSDAY 17 18 Karla Kuskin bom, 1932 Disneyland Opens In 1955. 23 Robert Quakenbush bom, 1929 Ice Cream Cone Introduced In 1904. 29 NASA Established in 1958 National Lasagna Day WEDNESDAY 24 Amelia Earhart Day Marvin the Martian First debuted in cartoons in 1948. 30 National Cheesecake Day Attorney at Law 1549 SE Ladd Portland, Oregon Portland: Hillsoboro: Facsimile: Email: (503) 244-2080 (503) 244-2081 (503) 244-2084 25 Thread the Needle Day SATURDAY 19 Stick Your Tongue Out Day 20 Moon Day (First landing on the moon.) International Chess Day 26 Bert's Birthday (Sesame Street Character) Jan Berenstain bom, 1923 27 Scott Corbett bom, 1913 Bugs Bunny First debuted in cartoons in 1940. 31 First US Patent Issued Granted to Samuel Hopkins in 1790. Peter Clarke THE LAW OFFICES OF P atrick John Sw eeney, P C . Patrick John Sweeney National Caviar Day FRIDAY luiy 24.2013 Real Estate Agent <> Windermere R E A L E STA TE Windermere Peninsula Realty 6110N Lombard Portland, OR 97203 (503)333-5809 Fax(5O3) 283-6300 BOWEIVEL Classic Cuts & Lawn Care Maintenance Mowing, Edging & Trimming • Pruning, Tilling, & Gardening Clean-Up & Hauling • Leaf & Debris Removal • Composting Yard Maintenance • Bark Dusting • Power-Washing • &More! Commercial & Residential Services For free estimates call Owner James Wimbish at: 503-890-4826 “Your satisfaction is my guarantee”