il,r ^îortlaub (ffbseruer Page 14 July 24. 2013 New Prices Effective May t, 2010 Martin ÍT*9 A GOOP 'THING' I G ^ T B A C K # B b ^ e ÍF X §Q\R,ec> WHEU X §HOT WTU ALL T fe - DE^ONSTî3AïidNS AGWi<\~ , Yob V Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services BELIEVE Minimum Service CHG. $45.00 HCW ■SSAREP A sm all distance/travel charge m ay be applied CARPET CLEANING 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: I small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area (Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs - With Other Services): $25.00 Area/Orientai Rugs: $25.00Minimum Area/Oriental Rugs (Wool): $40.00Minimum Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $10.00 each area (Requiring ExtensivePre-Spraying) UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa: $69.00 Loveseat: $49.00 Sectional: $109 - $139 Chair or Recliner $25 - $49 Throw Pillows (With Other Services): $5.00 % ADDITIONAL SERVICES • Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning • Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning • Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment HTv • Spot & Stain Removal Service • Scotchguard Protection • Minor Water Damage Services SEE CURRENT FLYER FOR ADDITIONAL PRICES & SERVICES Call for Appointment (503) 281-3949 ‘Black Man 101 ’ Curriculum Revised Again ‘The talk’ just got even harder to deliver H is k ille r’s acquittal illustrates how em erge alive and unscathed. W e the rules have ch an g ed once m ore, steel ourselves for the qu estio n that turning the clock back. alw ays follow s: W hy? A s a p a re n t,I’m a B la c k M a n 101 F ro m the m om ent o u r children p ro fesso r as w ell as a lifelong are b o m , all parents w o rk hard to student. A ll parents o f A frican- keep them safe. Y ou w ant them to by T errance H eath A m erican sons m u st have “T he feel safe. B ut, the parents o f black A re y o u fa m ilia r T a lk .” W e kn o w too w ell the boys have to flip the script at som e w ith “Black M an 101?? sto ries o f u n arm ed A frican - point. W e explain to o u r kids that B lack m en n ev er get to A m erican m en beaten, b ru tal­ the w o rld is not a safe place fo r them graduate from this con­ ized, and k illed by the police. in w ays that it is fo r o th er people. stantly ch an g in g and T heir nam es haunt us, their faces B lack M an 101 students once m andatory course in survival and loom in o u r m inds, and w e im agine learned “Jim C row etiq u ette.” T h eir b eh av io r m odification. o u r sons being in th eir so n s’ places. lives dep en d ed on being agreeable W ith the acquittal o f T ray v o n So w e tell o ur sons that, as young an d n o n -c h a llen g in g w ith w h ite M a rtin ’s killer, the B lack M an 101 b lack m en, th ey ’ll be held as sus­ people, ev en w hen w hites w ere in cu rricu lu m has been revised again. pects and som etim es treated as crim i­ the w rong. U nder no circu m stan ces T h e u n arm ed te e n ’s sh o o tin g nals, ev en if th e y ’ve clearly done w ere they to even ap p ear to assum e m ade m illions o f A frican-A m erican nothing w rong. W e tell them how to eq u ality w ith w hites. parents realize that any o f o u r sons co n d u ct th em selves in encounters T h e a c q u it ta l o f T r a y v o n co u ld be the next T ray v o n M artin. w ith the police so that they m ay M artin ’s killer harkens back to those old deferential rules. W e already teach o u r sons to be “ ag reeab le” and “n o n -ch allen g in g ” w ith police. M ust w e now teach o u r Fill Out & Send To: sons to co n fo rm to som e m odem form o f “Jim C row etiq u ette” ? Just teach in g o ur sons how to behave Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 w h en sto p p ed by the p o lic e no lo n g er suffices. Just as in the bad $45.00 for 3 months • $80.00 for 6 mo. • $125.00 for 1 year old days o f lynching, they have to (please include check with this subscription form) b eh av e a certain w ay w hen they are co n fro n ted by anyone vested w ith ame self-declared authority. elephone W hy m ust w e now teach our sons to d efer to all potential bigots ddress w ho com e their w ay? Y es, those bigots m ay be arm ed and inclined to start shooting. B ut w hy? or em ail subscriptions@ 503-288-0033 N T A : __________________ _____________ : ___________________ : _____________________________ L ast fall, m y old est son go t his first hoodie. T he m om ent he put it on and p u lled the h o o d o v er his head, I saw T ray v o n M artin ’s face. I saw m y son in T ra y v o n ’s place. H e ’s old en o u g h to have heard about T rayvon. T h at led to an early version o f “T he T a lk .” A t the end c a m e th e in e v ita b le q u e s tio n : “W hy?” I held m y son close. I told him that som e p eople only see the co lo r o f his skin and w hat they choose to p roject on him becau se o f it. It’s no t fair. It ju s t is. T he an sw er is as heartbreaking to give as it is to receive. It’s the m om ent w hen a ch ild ’s safe w orld is p erm an en tly shattered. N ow , h aving been acquitted o f k illin g T ray v o n M artin , G eo rg e Z im m erm an not only has his free­ dom back, h e ’s go t the gun he used to end that young m a n ’s life. A s the fath er o f tw o A frican- A m erican boys, this is the stu ff o f n ightm ares. “T h e T a lk ” ju s t got even h a rd e r to deliver. W e not only have to tell o u r sons that they live in a w orld w here the c o lo r o f th eir skin m akes them vulnerable. W e have to tell them their killer could ultim ately w alk aw ay a free m an. F o r o u r children, the w orld is n either safe n o r ju st. T h a t’s the ugly truth. Terrance Heath is the online producer at Campaign fo r America's Future.