July 24, 2013 Jlortlanh (ßbserüer ' on Arts V Provocation Transit fntffi IMIIIAIVHIM Students at King Elementary produce stunning black-and- white images as part of an arts education program. V p,,u > i \ R - L 5 e û n l y » A | q ^ o , . z «n. HSMRWMMHWMM Author Honored with Fellowship The Regional Arts and Culture body ofw ork which has appeared in Council named local author Sallie the finest magazines in the country Tisdale its 2013 Literature Fellow She has published seven books, carrying a cash award of $20,000. in clu d in g S tepping W estw ard “Sallie Tisdale is a pillar of the which was named to two best non­ writing community,” said Eloise fiction book lists of the West. Her Damrosch, the council’s executive other books include Women of the director. “Her work is honest, au­ Way, The Best Thing I Ever Tasted, thentic and clear, and she doesn’t and Talk Dirty to Me. waste a word. W e are thrilled to Tisdale has been working for transit police quickly escalates. The film convincingly dem on­ Yes, not all of his choices are strates how quickly and horribly good ones. But too often real risk things can go w rong for a young seems terribly close, never more so black m an in a confrontation with than in the confrontation with tran­ law enforcem ent. sit police that quickly turns ugly Last Friday, President O bam a so ugly that it is hard to imagine that m ade an attem pt to describe to Grant could have prevented the white A m ericans the experiences outcome. that shape black A m ericans' read- W atching Grant's last day is ing o f the George Zim m erm an ver- the more poignant because you diet. His rem arks are a fitting corn- know how it will end. It's a day panion to Coogler's film , w hich filled with choices, m ost o f them invites us to sit for 85 m inutes m undane — he drops Sophina off with a story that sinks deeper into at work, plays with his daughter, everyday African-Am erican expe- picks up item s for his m other's rience than most o f what the me- birthday party, lets fam ily mem- dia gives us. bers believe he is going to a jo b he The film gently lures audiences has already lost, then comes clean into investing in the life o f a young with Sophina. black man who they m ight well W hen we learn o f a shooting w rite o ffo rsh y away from if they like this — as we do too often — the met him on the street, and then to person s life is already over; it taste in some small way the little feels fitting to accord this quality provocations that chip away at o f attention to the life and possi- his dignity and dem and o f him bilities that were lost. m ore restraint and equanim ity The scene depicting events on than his age and experience could the subway platform necessarily possibly have taught him. chooses a version o f events that Though not a fun diversion, m any dispute. But it is a story that "Fruitvale Station" feels impor- will feel familiar to African-Ameri- tant; it rounds out the picture of cans and other m inorities. A m erican life. If this film leaves The police seem to stoke the you devastated, as it did me, it is conflict and the young men's re- because that is an appropriate sistance, though unwise, seem s resp o n se. understandable, even inevitable. Darleen Ortega is a judge on the And because I had grown to care Oregon Court o f Appeals and the about O scar long before he en- first woman o f color to serve in that tered that train for the last time, I capacity. H er movie review column cried tears o f fear and horror long Opinionated Judge appears regu- before that final gunshot, as I larlyinThe Portland Observer. You watched officers order him from can f i n d h e r m o vie b lo g a t the train and as the situation with opinionatedjudge.blogspot.com . c o n t i n u e d f r o m page Student Images on Display The North Portland Library ,512 N. Killings worth St., has opened a public exhibit featuring stunning black-and-white images of first and second graders from northeast Portland’s King Elementary School and their neighbors. This display celebrates a part­ nership between Right Brain Initia­ tive, a Portland non-profit arts-in- schools program, and King, one of eight public schools in the nation selected for the Turnaround Arts initiative, a public-private partner­ ship of the President’s Committee for the Arts and the Humanities to boost achievement at some of the lowest performing schools in the country. The exhibit runs through Aug. 30. Page 13 me the gift o f time to pursue this long and co m p lica te d w o rk ,’ Tisdale says. 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It offers individuals a chance to m ake sound and inform ed decisions regarding one's w ishes and photo by A lfredo L ettenmaier Sallie Tisdale joins a prestigious group of local artists who have been honored as masters of their craft by the Regional Arts and Culture Council. recognize her as a master o f her some time on a book about our reflex craft, and to honor her with this toward charity - what it means to do award.” good, how one knows what good is, Tisdale has written everything how many ways it can go wrong - in from short memoirs to books, from the context of a small clinic in Africa personal poems to complex essays. founded by Oregonians. She has already compiled a mature “R A C C ’s Fellow ship will give instructions to be follow ed at the tim e of death. P re-paying for services also guarantees to d ay 's cost of services, m erchandise and gives fam ilies peace of m ind. •Mention this ad for discount. Offer expires 9/1/13. Prearrangements are funded and money held with Funeral Director's Life Insurance Company and will be paid to the funeral home upon death of policy holder. Call to set up an appointment 5 0 3 -2 4 9 -1 7 8 8 2337 N. Williams Avenue Portland, Oregon 97227 www.terryfamilyfuneralhome.com