Page 12 ®,f* Fortiani» ©baerüer C lassified / B id July 24, 2013 E d u c a tio n P ro g ra m S p e c ia lis t 2 TWO JOB OPENINGS Job 'Î Opportunities We are seeking qualified candi­ dates to be part of our dynamic public service organization. PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS INVITATION TO BID - CONSTRUCTION # 2013-1665 Jefferson High School Track Improvement BIDS DUE JULY 30,2013 AT 2:00 PM PUBLIC OPENING JULY 30,2013, AT 2:05 PM R ESID EN TIAL AP PR A ISER $16.37 - $27.96 per Hour Clark County Human Resources 1300 Franklin St-5th FI Vancouver WA Portland Public Schools, School District No. U , Multnomah County, seeks Bids from qualified firms to provide construction services for the removal of the existing track and implementation of a new track at Jefferson High School. Apply On-line @ Relay: (800) 833-6388 EOE A m a n da tory pre-bid m eetings w ill be held on Ju ly 23rd, 2013 co m m en c­ in g a t 8 :0 0 A M s ta rtin g at Je ffe rs o n H igh S ch ool Tra c k , 5 2 1 0 N. K irb y A ve , P o rtla n d , O R 97217. Portland Public Schools conducts such The Oregon State Bar is looking for someone who will provide cus­ tomer service for registration & sales transactions for seminar & products. We are also looking for someone who will provide coordination & administrative support to the Ad­ missions Dept programs & events. (Multiple Positions Available) $61,176.00 - $89,496.00 Annually The Oregon D e p a rtm e n t o f E ducation is h irin g 4 E ducation Program S pe cia list 2 po sitio ns In Sa­ lem , Oregon. The fo u r positions are: Oregon Early Reading Pro­ gram ; STEM; E ducator E ffectiveness; and G uid­ ance and Support fo r Post-Secondary Aspirations. You can fin d a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n on th is jo b , including application instructions, by going to our JOBS p a g e a t h t tp ://w w w .o d e .s ta te .o r .u s / s e a rc h /re s u lts /? id -7 1 . Click on EDUC13-0064. The Bar invites all interested ap­ plicants to submit a cover letter & resume. The S ta te o f O regon o ffe rs an exce lle nt b e n e fit package. You can view a b rie f de scrip tion o f th e benefits a t State o f Oregon Em ploym ent Benefits. Please visit osbcenter/openings.html for job details. THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IS AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM­ PLOYER AND ENCOURAGES QUALIFIED WOMEN, PERSONS OF COLOR, AND PERSONS WITH DIS­ Equal Opportunity Em ployer ABILITIES TO APPLY FOR THESE OPENINGS. Drivers: meetings in order to clarify information provided in the Invitation to Bid (ITB) and to provide interested proposers an opportunity to ask questions about the ITB. M ultnomah U niversity Sealed Bids, in an envelope clearly listing the vendor name and Proposal title, will be received by Stephen Hirai, Contract Analyst at: Bid Desk, Purchasing & Contracting, Blanchard Education Ser­ vice Center, 501 N. Dixon St, Portland OR 97227, not later than New Flatbed Division. B rand New E q u ip m e n t $1,000.00 Sign On, Excellent Weekly Pay + Benefits. Loaded Out, Empty Back, All Miles Paid. CDL A + Canada Legal. Rob­ ert or Ian 888-984-6807 2:00 PM, Ju ly 3 0 ,2 0 1 3 . Seminary Academic Dean The Invitation to Bid documents may be obtained at the ORPIN website, Firms must be registered with ORPIN to obtain and download documents; registration is at no cost. Contract terms, conditions and Specifications may be re­ viewed at the Purchasing & Contracting Department, 5 0 1 N. Dixon Street, Portland Oregon, 97227. For additional information about this project, please contact the Purchasing Contact, Kimberley Murrell, at 503.916.3804, or email at | Multnomah University features four-year coeducational, interde- (nominational undergraduate programs, graduate level programs I and a seminary located in Portland, Oregon. Founded in 1936, the undergraduate school, graduate school, and seminary have estab­ lished a renowned heritage of excellence in biblicaleducation equip­ ping Christian men and women to transform our culture and the I world. The college offers B.A. degrees in 14 majors as well as four university M.A. programs. The seminary offers the M.A., M.Div.,Th.M and D.Min. degrees. Multnomah University is accredited with the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), and the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). The Multnomah Biblical Seminary is accredited with the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). In addition, Multnomah University is an affiliate with the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU). PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS INVITATION TO BID - CONSTRUCTION #2013-1664 Columbia Siding Replacement BIDS DUE 8/13/13 AT 2:00PM PUBLIC OPENING 8/13/13 AT2:05PM Portland Public Schools, School District No. U , Multnomah County, seeks written Bids from qualified firms to provide siding replace­ ment and painting services. A mandatory Pre-Bid meeting will be held at 9:00 AM on 7/31/13, at Columbia School, 716 NE Marine Drive, Portland, OR 97227. Sealed Bids, in an envelope clearly listing the vendor name and Bid title, will be received by Paul Will­ iams, Contract Analyst at: Bid Desk, Purchasing & Contracting, Blanchard Education Service Center, 5 0 1 N. Dixon St, Portland OR 97227, not la ter than 2:00 PM , 8/13/13. The Invitation to Bid documents may be obtained at the ORPIN website, Firms must be registered with ORPIN to obtain and download documents; registration is at no cost. Contract terms, conditions and Specifications may be re­ viewed at the Purchasing & Contracting Department, 5 0 1 N. Dixon Street, Portland Oregon, 97227. For additional information about this project, please contact the Paul Williams, at 503.916.3316, or email at To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: Jo b D escription: [The S e m in a ry A c a d e m ic D e a n supports the overall m ission of Metro G rants Program Assistant, Sustain­ ability Center, $21.82 - $29.18 hourly, FT. Deadline: 8/05/13 W ildlife Show Specialist, Oregon Zoo, $22.87 - $30.63 hourly. PT. Dead­ line: 7/31/13. M a in te n a n c e W o rk e r II - Te le c o m , te m p o ra ry, Oregon Zoo, $21.27. hourly. Interpretive Specialist/W riter, tem­ porary, Oregon Zoo, PT, $22.87 hourly. Deadline: 7/31/13. P le a se v is it o u r w e b s ite at: for the complete job announcement and a link to our online hiring center. Multnomah Biblical Seminary & Multnomah University through ef- I fective planning, budgeting, reporting, evaluating, and communica AA / EEO Em ployer tion with the Provost and President. The right candidate will serve on committees, complete special projects as requested by the Provost, and represent Multnomah to outside constituencies as appropriate. V ice P re sid e n t-C o rp o ra te R ela tions | To provide leadership in attaining the educational goals of Multnomah Biblical Seminary, the Sem inary Academ ic Dean will develop and main- J tain an effective seminary organizational structure, supervise the | seminary’s Internship Director, supervise the seminary Placement Director, and oversee the recruitm ent, orientation, training, | andevaluation of staff among a host of other duties. C o m p e n sa tio n : Salary depending on experience B enefits: Full Time with Medical and Dental Benefits starting the first day of the month following one full month of employment. A n tic ip a te d S ta rt D a te: January 1,2014 I • To A p p ly: A letter of application, curriculum vitae, and letters of refer­ ence submitted to Dr. Wayne G. Strickland, Th.M., Ph.D., Vice Presi­ dent/ University Provost, Multnomah University, 8435 Northeast | Glisan Street, Portland, OR 97220. Applicant must be willing to sign Multnomah's doctrinal and value statements, and reference release | forms. An interview may be arranged after your file is complete. For a complete job description and application forms, Please visit U nited W ay o f the C o lu m b ia - Willamette is hiring a VP-Corporate Relations, responsible for creating and im plem enting strategies and building relationships that will signifi­ cantly increase revenue within UW’s portfolio of corporate accounts. Work­ ing with and managing the Corporate Relations Team, the VP-Corporate Relations is responsible for develop­ ing a long-term vision and strategy for fund-raising within UW’s corpo­ rate partners, including fund-raising metrics and goals. Master’s degree; 8+ years consultative sales experi­ ence; focused sales/marketing expe­ rience with an applied emphasis on customer relationship building; mini­ mum 5 years supervisory experience; or a comparable combination of edu­ cation and experience. Hiring Range: $80,000-$105,000 DOE. Position open until filled. For a full job descrip­ tion and to apply, go to: http:// www, u n ite dw a reers/ vice-president corporate relations.php. An Equal Opportunity Employer.