Provocation on Transit Portland Police technology gathers huge database Our Opinionated Judge reviews the film ‘Fruitvale Station’ See Local News, page 3 ......... ................ -------------/ rr, , City of Roses Tracking License Plates jfc Volum eXLIll /3 | M 123 Number 28 Wednesday • July 24, 2013 See Metro, page 9 Established in 1970 Com m itted tn to C Cultural l lltl ir a l O Diversity i\/p r c ih / Committed J J ,x > x y » .« com m u n ity sprvirp Rattled Drivers _ ... x PHOTO by D onovan M .S mith /T he P ortland O bserver n Martin, a TriMet bus operator for nearly 15 years^ feared for his personal safety and that o f another transit driver after what he called a life-threatening encounter with man brandishing a gun. TriMet operators shaken up after violent attacks D onovan M. S mith T he P ortland O bserver by They drive us from point A to point B throughout the metro area every day, and rarely do we interact with them besides showing them proof-of-fare and a pos- sible shout of thanks upon reaching our destination, They are TriMet bus operators, and violent episodes have left them questioning day-to-day safety For 15 years Dan Martin has been at the wheel of a TriMet bus. He likes to thinks as himself as a happy driver, one that tries to avoid conflict even if it means letting the occasional person get a free ride, “I don’t want to give you grief about the fare, you know, just sit continued on page 4 °J oJ