July 17, 2013 ^nrtlanì» ©baerüer ___ _____r East County Beaverton Latina Theater Tour Ladies o f Luna to perform at Milagro T eatro L una is breaking free o f Chi cago to bring their groundbreakin w ork to P o rtlan d ’s M ilago Theatre 525 S.E. Stark St. P o rtlan d n ative M ay a M alan G onzalez is jo in in g the touring cas o f L una U nlaced, the headlininj perform ance o f the N orth America] leg o f this national tour. T eatro L una is the n a tio n ’s onh P a n -L a tin a T h e a tre C o m p a n y M alan-G onzalez toured extensi veh w ith T eatro M ilag ro ’s national tour ing com pany, is now based in Chi B r 'J Li • * cago and has not p erform ed in P o rt­ land since 2008. “I am so excited to be back on the M ilagro M ain stag e,” says M aya. I m so blessed to be w orking w ith a teatro in C hicago and returning to m y ro o ts.” L una has been called “Theatre that m atters” by the New Y ork Times. The C hicago Tribune says that Luna “...w earsits Latina cultural specific­ ity w ith an ease that is both rich and fully A m erican.” In “Luna U nlaced,” the ladies use m onologues, songs, im prov, scenes and poetry to delve into a w hole slew o f issues ranging from our sexuality, adventures in im m i­ gration, unfortunate racist encoun­ ters, and the som etim es self-in ­ duced dram a that m akes up our lives as Latinas in the USA. “Slightly cam py, som etim es se­ rious, alw ays deployed w ith m e­ ticulous timing, professionalism and talent, L una U nlaced is a show with staying p o w er” says TheatreJones. In a second show by the touring LUNA UNLACED t The all-Latina theatre company Teatro Luna makes a stop at the Milagro Theatre in Portland with their original new performances Luna Unlaced and Generation Sex. com pany, “G eneration S ex ,” L una bares all w ithout blushing as it dives into how technology im pacts our sex lives and w hat we find titillating in a digital w orld. From sexting to Skype to online dating, the Ladies o f L una w ill guide you through our stories o f finding love and satisfac­ tion for the m illennial generation. “L una U n laced ” plays on F ri­ day, July 19 and Saturday, July 20, continued on page 10