Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 17, 2013, Page 4, Image 4

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July 17.2013
Members from the Rose City Thunder basketball program are raising donations to help pay the expenses for their participation in next week’s AAU Basketball Tourna­
ment in Las Vegas.
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Car Wash for
AAU basketball
Jo h n L y D ay , fo u n d e r and
coach for the Rose City Thunder
basketball program , is reaching
out for com m unity support to help
pay expenses for his team ’s p ar­
ticipation the AAU B asketball
Tournam ent in Las Vegas, July
The youth program is dedi­
cated to m aking a difference in the
com m unity by helping kids grow
into p ro d u ctiv e lives through
sports, skills training and partici-
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pating in com m unity program s.
Donations during a car wash
on Sunday, July 21, from 11a.m. to
7 p.m. at the corner o f N ortheast
M artin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
and Sacram ento will help cover
the cost o f playing in the tourna­
ment, including van rentals, hotel
room s, food and any incidentals.
For m ore inform ation, visit
rosecitythunderbasketball.com or
e m a il
Jo h n
L yD ay
rosecitythunder@ hotm ail.com .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
An ongoing series of questions and answers about America’s natural healing profession.
Part 25. Chiropractic and Fitness:
The way to wellness in the eighties
: I c o n tin u e to h e ar th at Limit your meats and refined foods as affect our entire chem istry. Finally,
diet and exercising are helpful in well as alcohol. Get plenty of exercise. For always keep a healthy nervous sys­
maintaining a strong body. But where
most people it only takes an hour or so a tem. Chiropractic is especially suited
do I begin? There is so much literature week to stay fit. Walking at a brisk pace for understanding the effect of stress
and when I ask my doctor he seems with good arm swing is excellent. Rest is on the nervous system and how to
unconcerned. How can I get started? paramount. Everyone feels better after a elim inate it. Total fitness can be only
A : A good way to beg in is good nights sleep. In Chiropractic, we a call away and worth so much more
with the basics. Since 1895 Chiro­ will often recommend relaxation exercises than just another pain prescription.
practic has been the leader in teaching as well. Have a joyful spirit. Scientists Isn ’t it time you stepped up to safe
the basics of health to our society. know now that our attitudes actually effective C hiropractic?
Good health must include proper nutri­
tion. A general rule of thumb is that
foods high in fiber are best for you.
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