July 17, 2013 ®’* ^ortlanb (Observer Freedom March Anniversary Coming ( legal Page 13 notices Allen Temple hosts meeting to make plans 1963 was noted for racial unrest and civil rights demonstrations. Nationwide outrage was sparked by media coverage of police actions in Birmingham, Ala., where attack dogs and fire hoses were turned against The Albina Ministerial Alliance Coa­ protestors, many of whom were in their lition for Justice and Police Reform is early teens or younger. Martin Luther hosting a community meeting to orga­ King, Jr., was arrested and jailed during nize a march and rally commemorating these protests, writing his famous "Letter the historic 1963 March on Washington from Birmingham City Jail," which advo­ to be held on Saturday, Aug. 24 in Port­ cates civil disobedience against unjust land. laws. All interested organizations and indi­ 50 years later the issues of jobs, justice viduals are invited to help in the plan­ and equality for African Americans has ning and implementation of this historic not been realized. With the recent U.S. opportunity. The meeting will be held o n __________ _______ Supreme Court ruling gutting Section 4 of Thursday, July 18 at 6:30 p.m. at Allen Rev. Leroy Haynes the Voting Rights Act and the acquittal of Temple Church, 4236 N.E. Eighth Ave. neighborhood in the T 'U . r. - - -------„U LV L1 V U 1U H watch L C C I 111 volunteer m e The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom death of an unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin we i L n l u r 1*» i n W o c h i n n t n r , r» C' A no n n I ____ .1 . . . . . J took place in Washington, D.C. on Aug. 28, i 1963 know there is a lot of work still to be done. Attended by some 250,000 people, it was the largest For more information, contact Rev. Dr. Leroy Haynes demonstration ever seen in the nation's capital, and at 503-287-0261 or Rev. Dr. T. Allen Bethel at 503-288- one of the first to have extensive television coverage. 7241. In Loving Memory Sunrise: July 19, 1935 Sunset: Nov. 3,2012 Wishing a Happy Birthday to Claudis Maurice Banks Sr., better known as “Joe.” He was a strong, kind and wise pillar in the community. He was loved by many and will never be forgot­ ten. He will forever live in our hearts. Happy Birthday daddy from your children, Rhonda, Claudis Jr., Cathy and Stephanie Banks; and grand­ children Pankey, April and Shanice (BKA) Miss Comelious. We all love you! Please Help Support The Cause. P re -A pprenticeship P rogram 405 NE Church St. Portland. OR 97211 Tel 503-281-1234 Fax 503-719-7685 w w w eonstnietinghope coin Office Manager Need to publish a court docu­ ment or notice? Need an affi­ davit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classifleds@portlandobserver.com The Portland Observer Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 4009 N Missouri Ave, Portland, OR 97227 Celebrates 26th Pastor and Wife Appreciation Constructing Hope is a pre-appren­ ticeship training program that tar­ gets low-income people, minorities and those with legal histories. We are seeking a full-time Office Man­ ager to help us move to the next level of our growth. We are an in­ clusive, family-friendly organization that welcomes diversity. Responsibilities include but are not limited to office management; overseeing operational systems, processes and policies, grant and contract tracking and reporting, and supporting the Executive Di­ rector and the bookkeeper in over­ all financial management. For Application Guidelines visit our website www.constmctinghoDe.org Or Send a resume and cover letter that describes your interest and qualifications for this position to jobs@constructinghope.org. Dead­ line is Wednesday, July 24 2013 at 5:00 pm. No phone ca lls. please. Metro Operating Engineer II - part-time, Expo Center, $28.87 - $31.04 hourly. Deadline: 07/23/13 Sunday, July 21,2013 - 3:30 P.m. Theme: Preaching the Gospel through Prayer and a Boldly Opened Mouth ” Ephesians 6:18-20 Guest Preacher: Rev. J. Walter Hills, II New Hope Missionary Baptist Church This opportunity is open to First Opportunity Target Area (FOTA) resi­ dents - Columbia Blvd on the north; 42nd Ave on the east; the Banfield Freeway on the south, and North Chautauqua Blvd on the west, whose total annual income does not exceed $25,000 as an indi­ vidual, or $40,000 for an entire h o u se h o ld , fo r the past 12 months. To apply: visit our web site at: www.oregonmetro.gov/iobs for the complete job announcement and a link to our online hiring center or visit our lobby kiosk at Metro, 600 NE Grand Ave, Portland. AA/EEO Employer F ish F ry F u n d ra ise r For Larry Gibson’s Lung Transplant Friday, Saturday and Sunday July 19th-21st Time: 1:00pm-9:00pm $10.00 Dinner includes Catfish or Swai/Basa, potato Salad, green beans and pound cake Donations are also gladly accepted and appreciated! Advertise with diversity in Co-Chairpersons: Rev. Clarence Hagger, Jr. & Dea. Jethel “J e ff’ Williams TI k P l irrtand Observer Call 503-288-0033 Rev. Dr. Johnny Pack IV, PH.D, Pastor uils@portl.mdob Contact: Church Office @ (503) 249-0377 servei.com