Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 17, 2013, Page 11, Image 11

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    luly 17, 2013
^¡Jortlanb (Observer
Page II
Excellent Care
Funeral Services
One Stop Funeral Center Now-Open...
Get the best package in Portland for burial
Everything you need all in one building.
A large public mural is taking shape this summer a t 47 4 7 E . Burnside thanks to artists from
Spacecraft: Mission to Arts and the Regional Arts and Culture Council.
• Consultation
• M in iste r
• Large Sanctuary
upon request
and B alcony
• Parking Available
• C rem ation
• L im ousine S ervice
• P rovided H earst
• L arge K itchen
Location: 126 NE Alberta St
On the corner of Mallory and Alberta
2 blocks West of MLK, Jr., Blvd
Call now (503) 995-8442
Gay M itchell works on the repainting o f a large public mural by Anna Garibay a t t h e WÏIshi^Pab<
Pavilion at Northeast 33rd and Skidmore.
New and Restored Public Murals
Regional Arts Council supports summer projects
T w o large m urals are being cre­
ated this sum m er and one m ural is
being restored thanks to the R e­
gional A rts and C ulture C o u n cil’s
public art m ural program .
F resh o ff o f co m pleting a large
scale m ural fo r the A lbina M ain te­
nance Y ard w all on N orth M issis­
sippi A venue, three artists fro m
S p a c e c ra ft: M ission to A rts - Jakub
Jerzy K ucharczyk, M atthew A llen
W ooldridge, M axw ell H um phres -
have begun another m ural w ith com ­
m unity participation on the south
and w est facing w alls o f the P enum ­
bra K elly parking structure at 4747
E. B urnside St.
T he building houses the P o rt­
land Police Bureau's Property Crim es
T ask Force, and personnel from the
O ffice o f N eighborhood Involve­
m ent C rim e P revention and G raffiti
A b atem en t P rogram s and W ater
B ureau R angers.
T he artists w orked extensively
w ith the N orth T ab o r neighborhood
and the Police B ureau to identify
highlights from the n eig h b o rh o o d ’s
past, present and possible future.
Y o u ’ll find residents o f various c u l­
tures socializing, w alking dogs, and
en jo y in g the annual soapbox-derby
do w n M t. T abor.
T he second new public m ural is
taking shape on the east w all o f
V espa Portland, 2318 N. W . V aughn.
A t first glance, you w ill see a vibrant
street scene o f an Italian v illage that
includes a p ro d u ce stand, bakery
shop, co ffee shop, and sidew alk
cafe. B ut upon clo ser inspection,
y o u ’ll find w ell-know n landm arks
from the neighborhood.
In addition, fo r nearly a year, the
B eaum ont W ilshire N eighborhood
A ssociation has been w orking on
gathering the resources and p e r­
so n-pow er to restore a five-year-
old m ural by A nna G aribay located
in the W ilshire Park Pavilion at
N o r th e a s t 3 3 rd A v e n u e a n d
Skidm ore Street.
A fter num erous tagging and graf­
fiti incidents and rem ovals, the mural
was in m uch need o f a facelift. A crew
consisting o f the artist and her sister,
neighbors and Portland Parks and
Recreation staff, recently spent hours
applying a fresh coat o f paint. Subse­
quently, G raffiti Rem oval Services
applied an anti-graffiti coating to pro­
tect the m ural for years to come.
F in an ced by the city o f Portland,
all o f the m urals reflect diversity in
style and m edia and are painted by
artists from diverse backgrounds
and range o f experience. T he m urals
becom e part o f the c ity ’s public art
Showdogs is a full service salon. We do
baths, all over hair cuts, tooth brushing,
nail trims, soft claws, flea treatments, mud
baths, and ear cleaning. We also have
health care and grooming products to
keep your pet clean in between visits.
Show Dogs
Grooming Salon & Boutique
926 N. Lombard
Portland, OR 97217
TXiesday-Saturday 9am-7pm
Monday 10am-4pm
Yo dawg is gonna look like a show dawg
and your kitty will be pretty.