Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 03, 2013, CAREERS Special Edition, Page 8, Image 8

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    ________ Îlît ^Jortlanò CPbscruer CARR HFRS special Edition_______________ My 12013
Top Employers
from page 7
they handle pressure and get along
with others, relying more on ap­
plicants who have already proved
them selves in internships and co­
op jobs in which students work
while attending school, and orga­
nizing contests that reveal how
stu d e n ts so lv e p ro b lem s and
handle deadline pressure.
"It used to be that the interview
itself was where you made or broke
your chances with a com pany,"
says Dan Black, head of cam pus
recruiting in the Am ericas for the
accounting and consulting firm
Ernst & Young. "Now the assess­
ment is a much longer and broader
The hiring process is more in­
ten se b ecau se e m p lo y ers the
world over are more demanding.
They've always needed people
with specific technical skills. Those
remain important, but employers
want something more - the soft
skills that determine whether recruits
can get along with co-workers, ar­
ticulate ideas, engage in critical
thinking and solve problems on the
fly. In short, whether employees
can make the transition from class­
room to workplace.
Globally, em ployers say it's
hard to find that right com bina­
tion of hard and soft skills. J ust 43
percent of the .2,832 em ployers
th e
g lo b a l
c o n s u lta n c y
M cKinsey & Co surveyed in nine
countries in Europe, Asia, the
M iddle East and the Am ericas
said they could find enough
skilled entry-level workers.
Mona Mourshed, leader of the
education practice at McKinsey,
remembers one employer saying:
"’I have never fired an engineer for
bad engineering, but I have fired
an engineer for lack of teamwork.'
... People have to work together.
They have to collaborate."
A survey of employers released
in April by the Association of
American Colleges and Universi­
ties found that 93 percent of the
respondents reported that a ca­
pacity to think critically, communi­
cate clearly and solve complex prob­
lems was more important than an
undergraduate major.
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We are located on the
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above the coffee shop.
Melaku Arega o f De La Salle North Catholic High School receives
a mini iPad and $1,000 from the Comcast Foundation.
Scholarships Propel
Future Leaders
The Com cast Foundation re­
cently honored 65 students from
Oregon and Southwest W ashing­
ton as Leaders and Achievers.
“Thirty-two of the students at­
tend high schools in the Portland
area and 10 of those are in the city of
Portland. Each of the students won
a $ 1,000 scholarship, and two stu­
dents were surprised with an addi­
tional Comcast Founders scholar­
ship totaling their awards to $5,000
each. Fifteen of the students were
also given iPad minis to use in col­
One o f the C om cast Founders
scholarship recipients is Vanessa
D om inguez, a senior at Roosevelt
High School located in north Port­
land. She was selected based on
her outstanding essay and dem ­
onstrated leadership. D om inguez
recently helped lead a docum en­
tary youth crew for “Papers: Sto­
ries o f Undocum ented Y outh” and
c o -fo u n d e d S tu d e n t A llia n c e
“W e are continually im pressed
with the leadership responsibili­
ties and com m itm ent to com m u­
nity service the students in O r­
egon and Southw est W ashing­
ton take on w hile working hard to
succeed academ ically,” rem arked
Rodrigo Lopez, Com cast Oregon
and Southw est W ashington Re­
gional V ice President. “T hese
sixty-five students will undoubt­
edly do well in college and go on
in life to inspire their peers to
m ake change happen w ithin their
lives, schools and com m unities.”
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